I just won my first E-bay auction

And it’s also the first one I’ve ever been in.

And now, I’m off to bed, 'cause it’s way too late for me.

Congratualtions on your victory?

But it probably won’t be your last.

Buying on ebay is terribly addictive. And it has the same effect on your checking account as a cocaine addiction.

You’ll soon be making the rounds of the garage sales.

I just thought I’d go win my first eBay auction in your honor tonight. However, it is the second I’ve been in. It took me a bit to grasp the idea of bidding.

So what did you get, Muldoon’s Squishiness?

Boy, ain’t that the truth. A couple years ago I was the successful bidder on four lobsters shipped live to the wilds of Idaho OVERNIGHT FROM MAINE. I didn’t even think it was possible, it takes two days for U.S. mail to get delivered here from Spokane 130 miles away.

Imagine my surprise to find a pissed off Fedex driver stumble up my driveway the next day with my prize.

Unfortunately for him, and my credit card, that was only the first of his weekly visits. Before the novelty wore off I had purchased HUNDREDS of lobsters for friends and neighbors!

It is truly addictive.

I suspect that one day Ebay will be amongst the ranks of an AA meeting.

Except no one will ever be cured:

Meeting Example:

Bob: Hi. I’m Bob.

Crowd: Hi Bob!

Bob: I’ve been addicted to Ebay for 12 years…(segways into long story of what fuel addiction.)

Crowd: (sympathetic murmurs and head nodding.)

Bob: It’s been four days since I last bought something.

One guy in the Crowd: What was it?

Bob: (perking up) It just arrived by Fed Ex before I came here. A Hula Girl Lamp in Avacado Green with a grass skirt lamp. My living room is art deco but I just had to have it…and at a winning bid of $23.56 plus fifteen dollars shipping, how could I not."

Lady in Crowd: An Avacado Hula Girl Lamp? By any chance does this have any strange markings on the base of it?

Bob: Yes, it is signed by some guy named Don Ho. Why?

LIC: I have one of them at home, until my exhusand stole the mate to it. There were only four of those ever made. It has to be worth at least $500 each…

Guy in Crowd: Anyone want to go to the cyber cafe?

Crowd rushes the room.

And bringing the subject back to me my favorite find on ebay, ( i’ve only bought four things in two years.) has been an LL Bean Winter 4 in one parka for my son for $14.

The Brunching Shuttlecocks on Ebay

eBay is like the SDMB board, 100% addictive. Stop now while you still can!

I’ve won and sold a few things, got me a gold star now, tee hee! All my feedback is positive. Addiction…

I won 3 "Official Pearl Jam bootlegs"from their 2003 tour. They had the idea to perform every song they’ve recorded for their studio albums at the 3 shows they had scheduled for Mansfield Massachusetts. They were only available for sale for a very, very limited time on the PJ website, and unfortunately for me I let my TenClub membership lapse a year or so ago.

I don’t think I really have to worry about getting addicted to the whole E-bay thing for a few reasons:

  1. I don’t have an addictive personality.

  2. My credit card currently only has a $500 limit on it

  3. There really isn’t much that I want right now. My needs are pretty much met. (Well, except for having a girlfriend, but that’s another thread entirely.:stuck_out_tongue: .)

  4. I’ve never been an "impulsive/gotta have it no matter what type of shopper.

But it was nice to emerge victorious.:smiley:

  1. Me either.

  2. Well, actually mine has quite a limit. If I ever maxxed it out I don’t think I could ever pay it off.

  3. That’s what I thought.

  4. Me either.
    But… so far I’ve won ten auctions in the last eleven days.

It’s insidious, I tell you.