Yup. India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Burma, Somalia – totally your 2004 gay pride circuit destination. You’d think that if gay people were the determining factor, God would have sent a tsunami to… I don’t know… the North Sea? The Gulf of St. Lawrence?
But no, totally. He’s absolutely right. Don’t fuck with us! We’ll all come to your country and see if we can get a volcano going this time.
When you’re done with the volcano, would you mind making some asteroids his Jupiter again? I just got a new telescope and I’m simply dying to try it out on some bitchin’ homoclismic event.
Just got off the horn with The Big Guy, and He says He didn’t send out any such memo, in any of His incarnations.
He does want me to go find that cleric and bitch slap him with a rolled up copy of Out Magazine though, so I won’t be picking up my emails for a while. FYI.
Yes, they were going to blame it on the gays earlier, but there was all of that year-end filing that needed doing. Metacom: I think that would be usurers. Knocks me down to a 50% probability of cataclism. Which I think I used to have classes for right after Mass…
Usurer here. Just as a factual aside, Indonesia, Thailand and Sri Lanka are totally on the 2004 Euro gay party circuit.
However, with the exception of Sri Lanka, the gay areas of these resort destinations seem largely to have been spared (cite). And of course the hardest hit areas of all are the fundamentalist Muslim strongholds in Indonesia. So I’m guessing either the guy is wrong or God has extremely poor aim.
Fuckinay, we have giant-ass earthquakes every couple dozen years, what the fuck else do you want from us?!
Anyway, even if we were to have a tsunami here, those crafty gays all moved to the very center of the City, with a couple of 700’ mountains between them and the ocean.
lieu from now on I shall refer to really great gay sex as a bitchin’ homoclismic event.
Humph! I’ve been waiting for somebody to start pointing fingers. Florida gets hit by four major hurricanes and just by coincidence there’s this gay guy in south GA reeeeeeeeeal close to the Florida border. I see what you’re insinuating Ex.
Some good came out of this. At least now we have a definition of the true meaning of Christmas.