Just a note of appreciation. I made some posts a while back about being able to put regular daily gripes into MPSIMS instead of posting them in the Pit and saying “Since this is the Pit, fuck damn shit piss! lol!!”. Ever since the minor daily stuff has been moved into the appropriate forums and people realize you can swear some elsewhere, it’s made the boards much easier to read and navigate. I appreciate the recent change and the efforts the Pit mods are making shift direction.
Hey, watch the language! This isn’t the Pit, you know. :dubious:
You’re right!
I meant: fudge, darn, shoot, pee pee!
I do like the new Pit mods. Giraffe and TVeblen seem to be having fun, as well. We’ll see how they do when they have to lay a serious smack-down on someone. I’m sure Lynn has taught them well!
I agree. One of the major complaints I’ve heard from long-time members and ex-members is that the Pit has gotten softer and softer. Granted, I can’t really find a justification of the old-fashioned all-out brawls of old within “fighting ignorance,” but they’re damn fun to watch, and after having to watch what you say so closely all over the rest of the board, it’s nice to let some shit be flung about every once in a while.
For me it’s not so much that I want to see brawls, I just hated seeing an entire forum of pretty much MPISMS with a curse word or two. It’s just not needed- there never used to be any problem with posting gripes and bitches in MPSIMS. Then all of a sudden it all headed to the Pit. Now it’s heading back, which I’m happy to see.
True, I guess my post wasn’t in the same spirit as the OP. But I think it all points to being happy that the Pit has some teeth now.
Are you sure about that? :eek:
Well, TVeblen is still a little green but I’m trying to take her under my wing and show her the ropes. They’re so cute when they’re new, you know?
Seriously, thanks for the positive feedback.
Giraffe , you probably won’t hear much from me but I think your sense of humor is priceless. The way you are able to “crack wise” and yet pull a doper up short when necessary is going to take you a long way in the very difficult job you have undertaken. All mods, old and new, could learn from your style. However my life experiences tell me it’s more an inherent talent than a learned behavior.
I am now officially done sucking up!
But I meant every word.
This is a good thing… one more I’d like to see happen would be the Pit be more of a place where people “take it outside” when it comes to fisticuffs on other forums… not a place where people hang around waiting for a brawl. As it’s practiced now, it seems like there are a few people who seem to show up in one Pit thread after another just to exercise their jerk muscles, not having any seeming stake in the discussion. This is one place where the pit can create animosity and rivalries where none existed before. Difficult to enforce, I know, but I guess I’m just appealing to self-restraint. I’ve been guilty myself on occasion.
That name is irresistible:
Bobettie, Bobettie, Bo Obettie
Bonana, Fanna, Fo Fobettie
Fee, Fy, Mo Mobettie
-Sorry, Bobettie
I would just like to say that I taught Giraffe everything he knows.
Except hitting on 13 yr. old girls. That he did on his own.