I Pit all the MPSIMS tards who are currently drowning the Pit in boring crap

The Pit used to be my favorite forum on the SDMB. A place where people could argue about issues they disagreed about or simply vent their frustrations about posters that were driving them up a wall. Now it’s MPSIMS for people to complain about every and any minor irritation in their lives, or to “rant” about things that any non-stupid person already knows are universally accepted as bad. Which makes it boring as fuck to read.

Guess what? You spilling your goddamn soda is not an interesting rant. Or the fact that the mailman bent your mail. Or the fact that you can’t can’t find a swimsuit you like. Or you wish the layout of your keyboard was better. Or your local radio station contest not being very interesting.

Jesus fuck, people. Go “rant” in MPSIMS about the minor frustrations of life and stop crapping up the Pit with this garbage.


I was going to start a similar Pit thread, but it seemed too MPSIMS-ish.

I like Dinosaurs.

Yes, yes, MPSIMS posts are a hi-larious and clever response. As a reward for your cleverness, you may lick my ballsack.

With a foot-long prehensile tongue, can’t you lick your own?

While I agree with most of your OP, the bent mail thread is, IMHO, completely justified outrage.

Can I add to this people scolding other people for their “ugly invective” in the Pit? If you can’t handle a little light swearing, do fuck off over to MPSIMS. And yes, it has to be light, because we can’t even use the really ugly invective we all used to cherish back in the day.

Of course. It gives me an incentive to be clever. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate to junior mod and all - but is this really the right forum for this?

The anger in the OP may be justified, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to go anywhere interesting for anyone else. I can “rant” about my house burning down, but only trolls are going to do anything other than give me sympathy and hugs.

The fact that you’re mad about something is not automatically sufficient to warrant a Pit thread.

I am complaining about the posting actions of other posters, so I think yes. I’m not complaining about or requesting any change in moderation policy.

Also, you’re a loser and I hate you.

This Pit thread is boring, sucks, and has been done a skrillion times before. And no, I am not just saying this in a cute attempt to humorously illustrate Giraffe’s point. I would rather read about someone’s outrage over their mailman bending a hardcover book in half than read boring crap about how the Pit isn’t Pitty enough for you.

So, in other words, this pit pitting is actually pitting itself.

How meta.

But if I’m being rewarded, shouldn’t you lick my ballsack? Despite what you may have heard on my Facebook page or from my mother, I don’t actually enjoy licking ballsacks. Jeez, buy a dictionary! Do you give your employees pay cuts and call them bonuses? That’s not how we do things in America, motherfucker!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some ballsacks to lick. It’s rent day.

No. Meta is interesting and fun. That post was merely smug and self congratulatory in its approval of mediocrity. Much like the rest of the RO crowd.

People are honestly complaining about bad language in the Pit?! Are you fucking kidding me? Folks, you can swear ANYWHERE on this board, provided the context is appropriate.

I agree that the Pit used to be a great place for emotionally retarded individuals who can’t handle problems like adults.

Since they are emotionally retarded, it’s not fair to expect them to be interested in anything less than homicidal rage. If they don’t have access to D&D dressup fighting groups, what do we expect them to do?

I think the OP has merit. The threads he cites are boring crap out of place in any red-blooded Pit. This forum should be reserved for threads which would be in breach of the rules if posted in another forum, otherwise what’s the fucking point of the place?

All the threads mentioned could have been posted in MPSIMS without causing any of the mods the least qualm at all. And that’s a disgrace for any Pit thread worthy of the name.

So what are you still doing here and why are you saying ‘they’?

I’m afraid I have to question the emotional maturity of anyone who measures their self worth by comparing themselves to what they consider to be the worst, and then turning around and doing the exact same thing they’re criticizing. Here. I think this wenching costume is for you.