There doesn’t seem to be any appetizer foods that go well with wine outside of cheeses or fruits.
I know plenty of entrees but no apps. You guys have a go to? (All suggestions welcome but I’m a fan of red wine myself)
There doesn’t seem to be any appetizer foods that go well with wine outside of cheeses or fruits.
I know plenty of entrees but no apps. You guys have a go to? (All suggestions welcome but I’m a fan of red wine myself)
Charcuterie? Many of those meats are tasty with wine, especially reds. I’d add in nuts, especially spicy or savory ones. Plus olives, some pickled vegetables, seafood cocktails.
We like fresh crusty bread with garlic and olives with an olive oil dip.
Best on a warm summer’s evening, sitting outside while the ribs slowly bake in the oven.
Apps are the same as main courses at the root of it all. The same rules should apply to pairing as you would a main course. Think of how the app tastes (light, savory, sweet, herby, etc).
Light and white-ish? Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio
Darker, richer? A light red or a high quality rosé.
Deep, savory? Zinfandel, Shiraz
Or do what I do and drink Bota Box Redvolution blend with everything!
I find any sort of herby egg/cheese dishes like tarts and quiche go well with a surprisingly wide variety of wine. Growing up in the American Southwest, something like this was served at a local winery (although with fresh Hatch chile). Again, as Bob_2 mentioned, crusty bread is a good mix as well, and I’d also second BippityBoppityBoo’s charcuterie with a hearty red.
Another super easy one would be homemade hummus with herbal additions selected to match your wine, with whole wheat pitas or other carb options to scoop, along with veggies of choice. My personal favorite for red wine (since I don’t normally care for it) is bacon wrapped dates [although I leave out the cheese more often than not] - salty, smokey and sweet, it compliments the few reds I do like.
Breadsticks are pretty good. Especially for dipping.
Zinfandel, Shiraz, Cab and Petit Sarah are my jam and I will destroy half a box of Triscuits on the couch when I drink them. I nimble a fourth of one at a time. Bit of salty compliments the fruit notes, bit of a pallet cleanser for the heavier Cab, but they never fill me up like bread, cheese or meat, which do even if they are cut up into small portions.
They make a mess though.
A nice dry spicy Gewurztraminer with antipasti (salami, pickled stuff, olives, cheese) is great. Especially if you can get a northern Italian one, but those tend to be hard to come by.
If your apps are really light (say crackers and mild cheese, grapes), try a Chenin Blanc instead.
Another glass of wine? Don’t listen to me.
A lot of them are listed…
Nova lox with brie and some sourdough is my go too with a nice full bodied pinot noir.
The afforementioned tapas and antipasti and the Eastern Med/Ottoman Sphere equivalent: meze/mezze
All 3 of those often feature fish dishes.
I must confess the OPs question flumoxes me, because the whole point of wine is that it goes with basically all food.
A bunch of great suggestions above: Add a nice mineral Pinot Gris with shrimp cocktail, Stellenbosch Rose with charcuterie (lots of chutneys, pickles and mixed meats), pinot noir with blackened fish, Argentine malbec and steak bites… On and On.
There really are.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Chocolate and a bold red are epic together!
Antipasto, which is Italian meaning “against pasto.” Much the same way that provolone means in favor of “valone.”
Sorry, I stole that from Bob Newhart. But yeah, antipasto is what you need.
Eliminate the middleman, just have a nice chocolatey pinotage.
Your post inspired me to look up the etymology. The “anti” is more like “ante,” as in “ante meridian” or AM, which means “before noon.” And “pasto” means meal, which makes sense given “pasta.” So antipasto means “before meal.”
On the other hand, “provolone” is just from “provola” which means “buffalo milk” and “-one” which is an intensifier. So it means something like “very buffalo milk.”