I love Charles Manson and he is INNOCENT

I’ve never been dealt pedophelia. But I did once lead the King of Diamonds in a game of contract bridge.

May I? Thanks!

I dunno tho. I suspect this one’s going to be short and sweet, like a NASCAR crash or something. Want me to crank up my boombox with a bootleg copy of “Blaze of Glory” on cassette for ambience?

Sure, but those rights also allow us to mock you for being a troll. That’s how it works.

I won’t be satisified till I see a sheeple reference.

Troll? I am not a troll, I am a well respected individual and a Stormfront.org sustaining member. I came here on a recomendation from a friend who said it was a lively place. :frowning:

Ya’ll know you’re not in the Pit, right?

Hyde Park Corner to open!

Sorry what is the Pit?

Let’s put it this way: You don’t seem to be too upset that people are not taking this thread seriously.

I keep searching the pit for a Arty L reference. I know I’m missing it, it’s got to be there somewhere.

By who?

Is that like Weather.com?

So you’re a bit of a “anti government Zionist Occupied Government” (which bit are you anti?) and a bit of a White Nationalist (which bit of you is white?).

I’m struggling to place you on the political road map.
Please provide more specific examples.

Let me put it this way, we hav bigger problems than people making fun of other people. The biggest problem we face today is a mindset of Universalism that has been cleverly programmed into our people for nearly 1,700 years.

Look up the word “Catholic” in an unabridged dictionary. You will see it is Greek in origin and literally means “universal.” The Christian religion was created from the myths and faiths of many older religions in order to unite the many races, nations, and cultures of the degenerate Roman Empire. Of course the financial power behind Rome had themselves proclaimed “God’s chosen path” in the new religion, then hired the Roman legion to murder everyone in Europe that wouldn’t accept it. Most of the stories about jews being persecuted are as phoney as the so-called Holocaust dogma.
I ama White Nationalist but I believe it is a mistake to hate every jew, Christian, or American, even though their institutions are determined to mix us out of existence. But nonetheless, as long as they embrace Universalism, they are our mortal enemies and it is a war to the death between us and them.

For two centuries, the Christians and Americans have given the white man’s food, technology, medicine, and wealth to coloured races. And now they surrender the last of our territory, power, and women. This is insanity caused by a Universalist mindset. Nature declares separate, exclusive territory for the survival of each race and specie. And nature’s laws declare inter-specie compassion to be suicidal if it is detrimental to our own race or species.
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”

David Eden Lane (November 2, 1938 – May 28, 2007)
“We were all so trained to obey orders without even thinking that the thought of disobeying an order would never have occurred to anybody.”

Rudolf Hess (April 26, 1894 - August 17, 1987)

That was directed at the regulars, not you. It’s the forum where name-calling and such is allowed. You would have no way of knowing.
It’s the last forum before Side Conversations.

“Arty L” is no relation to me, Andy L.

Hey Bro! Tell mom’s I will call round tomorrow…

Some hero you have there.
The guy didn’t even have the guts to blow himself up while he was bombing a day-care center.

You make me proud to live to live in a country where people like you aren’t locked up on sight, even though you should be.

By everyone I meet, No it’s a White Nationalist forum.

Whoop! We got a live one here, folks! If you think that Scientology is “more plausible” than any other religion, why not just give up religion altogether and go atheist? That’s a lot more plausible than Scientology.

I’m sorry, did you say that you’re a “well respected individual” and a “Stormfront.org sustaining member”? snerk Not here, you aren’t. :slight_smile:

Ah, I see. You’re “well-respected” by other bigots and racists. Gotcha. Carry on, then.