I know, I know…make something up.
…because there are all sorts of fresh posts on SDMB. I hate it when I stay up all night because most of the threads are stale.
I know, I know…make something up.
…because there are all sorts of fresh posts on SDMB. I hate it when I stay up all night because most of the threads are stale.
…because the wife and kids are still asleep and will remain that way for a few more hours whilst I peruse the boards…
I am blissfully asleep.
Well, I live in a small town in the country, so there is no better time of the day. I can go for a walk or a run a minute from my house and see deer, eagles, rabbits, coyotes, and the like. I even saw a Rocky Mountain Big Horn sheep once. I imagine they are around later in the day but they sure aren’t within view.
Also, there is an alive feel when you are outside early in the morning. It is an optimistic time of the day, somehow.
The winds are light, the sky is clear, and there’s much less turbulence.
I’m at my creative best in the mornings. I write my best stuff then. I’m fresh and full of energy and ideas, and the words just flow. For the first three or so hours after I wake up, my writing is worth four times more than anything I’d come up with in the evening.
Life is so promising then. Outside is cool, the day is beginning, breakfast is ready. This is when I make the choice: “Today will be a good day.”
The waters are calm.
I’m lying comfortably in the alpha state. If Mr. Rilch is around, he’ll ravish me. If he’s not, I can pleasure myself.
I love the mornings because…because…um…uh…nothing comes to mind. I’m not a morning person. Oh, well…I guess sunrise is pretty.
Mornings are innocent. You can watch the sun come up and pretend that no one has yet had the chance to pervert everything, and you are appreciating the fresh sunlight as no one else ever has before. No one else has left their imprint, nothing really important has happened, and for a brief time the virgin day is yours alone to consider and section out.
I completely forgot what I was going to say.
I love the mornings because I get to read Rilchiam’s posts, then go pleasure myself.
Well, I’m glad I’m bringing pleasure!
Because I get to finish work, ravish Mrs. Barbarian, then go to sleep.
Mornings are quiet and reflective, just me, the coffee, the on-line newspapers and ICQ. It is, until I realize it’s 7:00 and I have to get my butt in gear to shower and get to work.