I like mornings. There’s something really calming and pretty about morning sunlight that’s completely different from any other type of sunlight. Birds are twittering away happily, and few people are awake to break the near-silence with their car engines. These past few days, it’s been crisp and cold and sunny, and the trees are that perfect mix of green and gold and red because their leaves aren’t all changing at the same pace. Walking to the bus stop in the morning makes me smile.
Yup, I could be a morning person. Except that I hate to wake up early. The only time I get to enjoy a morning is when I stay up all night working the night shift. It’s too bad, really, because I think I’d like to have more mornings.
I’m not a morning person. Not because its the morning, but because of other morning people, and their demands. Sunrises, birds chirping, red clouds… I dig it. I don’t dig getting up in the morning to deal with people though.
Yes…yes…that’s it. More of you people come out of the woodwork like these two. Then, funnel down the ramp, off to th eleft, and go into that big doorway so the slaughter…er…gentle massage…can begin. wrings his hands, eyes darting back and forth
Yes…just like that. Go on, you morning people. It’s too EARLY to be chipper.
I’d go a step further and say that I like it until I get to Dunkin Donuts. Then my thoughts are filled with things like *"It’s friggin Dunkin Donuts, have you never been here before? Do you not **know ** how you like your coffee? And why are you ordering food for twenty people?!?!? All I want it my coffee! I *need ** my coffee!!! For the love of all things holy, get out of my way and let me have my coffee!!!"
And then I get to the train, and it gets worse. By the time I get to work on any given day, I’m filled with rage, and convinced that other people exist primarily to inconvenience me.
Deep breath…
But from the time I wake up (albeit grudgingly) until the time I get to Dunkin Donuts, mornings are nice.
Even as a kid, I was a morning person. I love the change from night to day, whether I saw it from my bed or the back yard or the back seat of the station wagon as we headed out on one of our many day trips (gotta start early - we just had the one day…)
I’m still a morning person, mostly. Although I would like to sleep later than 4AM when the Royal Feline of the Domicile decides she needs my attention… :rolleyes: My work hours are great, tho - 6 to 2. Even in the dead of winter, I have daylight left when I get home from work. And I don’t mind going to bed at 8:30 or 9 - I don’t much like TV anyway.
I always like the transitional parts of the day, like dawn and dusk. Things get quieter and slower, and the colors of the sky are softer and prettier.
When I’m awake, I actually like the early morning. I feel more productive, more “juiced”, and I feel like I have all the time in the world. However, getting out of bed is really hard for me. It doesn’t matter that I usually feel great once I get out of bed. I just love to sleep.
I am most definitely a morning person. I made out bills, balanced the checkbook, loaded the dishwasher, did the whole bath and make-up thing, and I’m fixin’ to fold a load of laundry…and I don’t even start work for 45 minutes!
I like the dawn, too, except it interferes with sleeping. I really love to sleep late, but then I feel guilty about missing so much daylight.
The one time I have always enjoyed getting up early is if I’m going on a trip, especially if driving. There’s something exceptionally cool, to me, about leaving home just as the sun is rising, driving off into the dawn, as it were. I don’t know why.
Provided, of course, I’m seeing them a minimum of 4 hours into my day. Regretfully, this is unlikely given that I keep a more-or-less standard day schedule.
It’s not mornings I dislike, it’s that I feel like absolute hell for the first two hours or so of every day. I do not wake up gracefully.
Before someone tells me this in some way reflects my sleeping pattern (too much sleep, too little sleep, wrong alarm clock, the fact that I sleep later on weekends, phase of the moon, influence of my chakras - whatever) and I have to tell them to sod off, I’ll point out that it doesn’t matter how much or how little I sleep, I will still feel like absolute ass when I get up - for about two hours. Granted, if I get two hours of sleep, I feel worse, but I still feel bad after 8 straight - or 10 or 12.
I’m tired, achy, and the thought of eating or drinking anything makes me ill to contemplate it. All I really want is to use the bathroom and be left alone for the next hour or two to get over my misery.
I find people who leap out of bed cheerful and filled with energy to be an abomination unto the Lord who must be stamped out - with pointy heels if necessary.
I wouldn’t consider myself a morning person, but my new job has me starting at 7:30am, so I get up at 6. The sun comes up while I get ready for work, and I find I really enjoy the morning time. I love driving over the bridge (I’m lucky, I go in the opposite direction as most of the traffic) and seeing the morning light reflect off the river, and the fact that I get to finish work a lot earlier than I used to at my old job, which gives me afternoon sunlight and time to do errands and chores and then I can totally crash on the couch and watch TV in the evenings and not feel guilty about not having the time to get things done. I’ve discovered that I am much more productive on this type of schedule! Though I am not chipper, I wouldn’t say I’m grumpy either.