I love those How Ya Doon commercials!!!

Two new ones during Monday Night Football!

I liked the one with the little Kevin Pollack-looking guy having his meeting with the Boss. “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry…” “A-” “Jerry-” [pour] “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry…” [clink]

But I really loved the update on the guys in the bar! You’re thinking, oh jeez, there’s Agent Cooper* writing “How ya doon, how ya doon, how ya doon” over and over, and then he gets his ears blasted out by a chorus of “HOW YA DOON!” And is that the Cigarette Smoking Guy*'s brother, the Beer Drinking Guy?

*Yeah, I know they weren’t supposed to be parodies of those characters. Just that they fit their archetypes as well as the goom-bas fit theirs!

Oh, and my condolences to Ed McAffrey. Hope he’s not out for all time. Hope it doesn’t ruin the Broncos’ season (unless, with him, they would have outdone the Steelers!). And I second (third? fifth?) Jack Batty’s nomination for him as “Baddest MoFo in the NFL”. From how many different angles did they show that incident?

Odd that you forced me (as a result of a vanity search) to view this thread … I am without a doubt one of the worse perpetrators of the dreaded, “How Ya Doon?” line. Truly. That is my pat line whenever I meet someone.
[sub]That commercial cracked me up too[/sub]

I think it comes from watching The Godfather one too many times.

Godfather, Sopranos, every flippin’ Scorsese movie…

I like the How Ya Doon’ guys better than the Wazzzup guys. Different demographic, I suppose. But How Ya Doon’ is more understated, thus funnier, IMHO. And it’s a more universal greeting, at least around here. They can probably take it further without it becoming annoying.

I’ve seen the one where the bar is bugged prior to MNF. There is also one where they’re playing poker, and all the guys are exclaiming “How Ya Doon’!” when they get their cards. But the guy who’s second in the bar in the original commercial (sorta weasely-looking guy with a receding hairline) looks at his cards and he’s holding a full house, aces over kings. He fans his hand closed and realizes everyone else is looking at him, whereupon he mutters a very weak “How Ya Doon’.” Everyone folds their hands in disgust.

Pretty funny.