Just sayin’ I LOVE YOU but I’m gettin’ tired.
Just sayin’ I LOVE YOU but I’m gettin’ tired.
We love you too Bill.
My dad used to say, ‘I’m gettin’ tahred. T-U-R-D tahred.’
Hang in there, Quasi!
We all love you back, Quasi!
Indeed we do.
Moved from ATMB to MPSIMS.
You are awesome. Never forget that.
Love ya too, Quasi!
We do indeed love you Bill!!
They took my answer!
And I love you too ------ in an entirely non-threatening heterosexual kind of way.
Keep fighting the good fight Brother and we’ll keep the flanks as best we’re able.
We love you too in a non-stalkerish, nonthreating, won’t-drink-all-your-beer kinda way!
Fight the good fight!
Well, everything except the “won’t-drink-all-your-beer” part.
Kegger at Quasi’s everybody!
Keep fighting the good fight, Bill. We love you too.
You’re everybody’s favorite poster Bill. Fight Back!
Just be discreet, okay? My wife’s gettin’ suspicious.
We all love Quasi! Hang in there Bill!
And I love you in the threatening heterosexual way. I use my harsh glare to intemidate. It looks like :eek: but with a frowny mouth.
Off the meds (Lamiktal), so I’m having kind of a tough time right now. My friend Becks (love ya sweet girl!) arranged for me to see a doc at a sliding scale clinic ($35-$37 bucks a visit - Whoo-hoo - that’s even less than my co-pay when I HAD insurance!), and my appointment is next Wednesday.
I told them about my depression meds and the nurse told me that if they referred me to a shrink, they can’t control the fee, but they try to cover all prescriptions “in-house”, so maybe a shrink (Sorry! Psychiatrist!:)) won’t be necessary.
Still have enough Welbutrin for a month and when my new doc writes my scrips, I will be able to follow up with the drug companies “free or reduced cost” programs.
Thanks, Kiddos! This is where I come to get my butt kicked when I need it, and y’all haven’t failed me yet!