Wow, uh, this is sort of unexpected. I didn’t realize you, uh, felt this way. That’s really great. I mean, I totally feel that way too, although different, you know?
I think maybe we should just be friends. I’ll call you!
Well, gosh golly gee whiz and shucks Elenia28, I ummm… ummmm… like you too. Really. No kiddin’. Like you. Yep. ummmmmmm… gotta go now. See ya later. Really. kisskiss ummm… let’s do lunch. Bye now.
I love you, but I’m not in love with you. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m in a selfish phase right now. In another time or place we could’ve been great, but I’m in a sort of “me” place right now.
Sure, you say you love us. And yet you never call, you never remember our birthday… for all you pay attention to us, we could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere. No, no, don’t say anything…I know how you really feel. We type and type our fingers to the bone to bring you a fulfilling message board and this is the thanks we get. Oh, how sharper than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful Doper…
What kind of love are we talking about, anyway? Is this platonic love, the love of a child for a parent, the love of a sibling for her older brother, or the kind of love that involves lots of champagne, cool whip, Hershey’s chocolate syrup, erotic fruits andsexy lingerie on the floor in the Suite at the Ritz for the weekend?
I’d really hate to get my signals crossed on this one.
So, am I the only one who, upon reading the thread title, got a mental image of Elenia28 staggering about, clutching a bottle of vodka, and informing us that “I lub you guys! You’re my bestestest friends in the whoooole world…”?