I made my first video in Adobe Premiere! Check it out...

Thanks to some help from you Dopers in my GQ thread, and other online people, I was able to struggle through the learning process and came out with something vaguely watchable in the end!


It’s a sort of video montage of me juggling, with music. My boyfriend has a guest appearance in a scene where we’re passing 7 clubs between the two of us. It’s a learning project, it has no purpose for existing in and of itself, but I’d like to hear anyone’s feedback anyway.

(I downloaded Adobe Premiere on Sunday night, and I finished this video this morning… so don’t expect polished perfection or anything!)

OK, it’s time I finally fix this problem so I can watch this. Why do I get this message:

Even though I have tried countless times to download Flash, which tells me I already have the latest player? (and JavaScript seems to be turned on, as far as I can tell)

Have you tried using a different browser?

But I fear different browsers. I’m comfortable with Internet Explorer.

One should never feel comfortable with IE! It is the root of all evil! I recommend Firefox.

This might be a dumb question (because I’ve never put anyting on youtube) but how does Youtube.com work ASCAP or BMI fees for music? Do they have a blanket license like a radio station or do you have to pay each time that video is played?

OpalCat, that’s wicked cool! A thousand congratulations on your mad juggling skillz. I got *Juggling for the Complete Klutz * years ago – and I still can’t do it! I’m envious …

Congrats! What were you using before (if anything) and how do you like Premiere? I’m trying out Vegas Movie Studio right now, and enjoying it, but I also plan to try Premiere Elements before buying a new video editor–I’ve used Windows Movie Maker in the past shudder

Opal, that’s really cool. You look fantastic by the way. You must be feeling good. :slight_smile:

“Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia’s Flash Player. Click here to get the latest flash player.”

I get this too, using both Firefox and IE. I’ve allowed YT for javascript in FF, and IE doesn’t have that problem anyway, so I’m totally stumped. Anyone?

That’s the book I learned from! I got it when I was 11. I juggled through the end of high school, then didn’t juggle for about 12 years. Then I got back into it a few years ago and now I’m involved with local juggling groups and I go to regional and national juggling conventions and stuff, and I’m really enjoying it. I met my boyfriend (the guy that I’m passing clubs with in the video) at a juggling festival in Buffalo, NY, actually.

I was using VideoMach. It doesn’t have any sort of transitions, it has no way of previewing your video along with the audio, etc. It is a very simple program designed to basically let you plop a bunch of clips down in a line and save it as one file. I like Premiere but it is frustrating trying to learn it on my own.

Those of you with browser weirdness, I uploaded it to google videos… see if that works?

Wow. I didn’t think there was anything worse than WMM. Sounds like I was sorely mistaken.

Should I take the fact you avoided my question to mean you do not have correct licensing to be distributing that music or you didn’t look into it or didn’t think it mattered?

Sorry if I’m riding you on this but I’m tired of people on the internet just stealing crap willy-nilly and feeling like the rules don’t apply to them.

Do you have correct licensing to be distributing that music or you didn’t look into it or didn’t think it mattered?

Sorry if I’m riding you on this but I’m tired of people on the internet just stealing crap willy-nilly and feeling like the rules don’t apply to them.

I get this sometimes from YouTube. Try just refreshing it; sometimes it just works.

I didn’t know the answer to your question, so I didn’t answer.

You don’t know if you have the proper license to distribute that song?

You are aware of music licensing right?

Are you here to prosecute her? If you really want to know more about YouTube why don’t you start a GQ thread?