I needed to use the restroom while at the zoo today. It was a men’s room with a trough along a wall giving the occupant a clear view of the length of the trough. As I was going about my business at the trough, I heard the distinct sound of an iPhone camera shot. It was very quickly followed by the sound of an outgoing text message. (I have an iPhone so I’m well aware of the sounds.) I finished my business, washed my hands and left. AFAIK, we were the only two in the restroom.
I suppose it’s possible that he (I’m assuming it was a he) could have been taking a selfie or saw something humorous on the wall or Og only knows.
It definitely felt weird. What could/should I have done. On the one hand, I’m a 54 year old male and although I’m aware of Rule 34, I doubt that there’s a big market for that kind of picture. On the other hand, if it’s what I think it was, it was flat out wrong.
Should I have said anything or was it probably nothing?
I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s highly likely if the guy was snapping a picture of someone’s junk, it was his own. Ain’t nobody want to see yours. And in today’s world, there’s literally millions of people who have pornographic images of themselves on the open web…since nobody will want to see yours, nobody is ever going to notice you even if there’s some pic posted somewhere with your face in it.
It’s unlikely to happen again, but in the event that it does, here’s a bit of esprit d’escalier* for you to deploy:
“I hope you got my good side.” Said aloud, without turning to look at the photographer, this gives him the opportunity to reassure you that you were not the subject.
*It’s esprit d’escalier NOW, because right NOW, it’s too late to say it.
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Merneith & Ellen Cherry, I think you’re missing it. Arsen01, do you have an iphone? Were you at the zoo the other day? Did you whip it out (the phone) in the restroom? Did you join just to rebut?