I met Rodney Dangerfield TODAY at school

He teaches 9th grade Social Studies at my school and he gets no respect, no respect I tell ya.
I have this one period that is called “office” because it is my only class that isn’t really a class, what I do during office is I am basically a “Go-For” for the school office, it mostly consists of answering phones, sharpening pencils, making copies and running papers back and forth to different class rooms.
Today I had to go to Rodney Dangerfields class and get an envelope from him, he didn’t have it ready so I got to witness his students embarass him. When I came in the classroom there was a group of girls doing each others hair, alot of people with headphones on and more that were doing their own thing, including a group of boys hanging around his desk.

The teacher went over to each group to get them to pay attention, first the girls but they told him that they had to look good for the next class and he said “well it better be quick” and the girls were like “yeh sure, whatever”.
Then he went over to this group of people that had a radio on and he told them to turn it off and they said “Turn it up?” and everytime the teacher said “turn it off” they acted like he said “Turn it up” finally it got so loud that he told them that he would leave them alone if they turned it low.
Then he went to a boy playing a gameboy and told him to turn it off and the boy said that he couldn’t stop because he would lose his game and the teacher asked him if it would take long and the boy said that he didn’t know but that he really needed to concentrate.
Then finally the teacher went over to the boys that were hanging out at his desk and he said take your seats and one of the kids was like “maybe later” so he put his hand on the boy’s shoulder as if to say “get out of my chair and away from my desk” and the boy said “Rape, Rape” and anytime the teacher would get close the boy would say “Rape, Rape, Micheal Jackson” sounds crazy but I was in there. Everytime the boy would say this the teacher would back off.
The teacher asked them why they were not listening and the boy said “Duh we never listen to you any day” and his friends laughed.
I could tell that the teacher was really angry because his face was red, his eyes were red.
The worst part wasn’t that they didn’t listen to him the worst part was that while the boy had his feet on the desk and was refusing to move, I said “Get your feet off the desk and sit your ass down” and he did. I didn’t expect him to listen to me because I am a student and most of all I wasn’t being serious when I said that but the kid took me serious and did what the teacher couldn’t get him to do.
After that the door swings open and this short black woman comes in (a secretary) and she completely takes charge of the room. This teacher is about 6’2 and this lady is about 5 ft tall and she had that class all in their seats within less than 1 minute. The class was calling the teacher by his first name and she told them that they would refer to him as Mr. So and So and only as Mr. So and So. After the class was quiet the lady said “you need to be firm with these hard headed kids” (to bad I can’t do voice impressions over a message board).
Anyway the secretary asked if he had the envelope ready but he didn’t so I went back to the office and stapled papers together.
At break time some of the kids from this teacher’s class came up to me and asked “didn’t we punk Mr. So and So?” and all I could say was yes.
Then later on I was in an awkward situation because that teacher asked me if I thought he should “get a new day job” and then told me how teaching is not worth it to him. I told him that maybe he could teach at a regular school *(most of the kids in my school got kicked out of the mainstream high school for behavior * *issues) * and that was that.

Wow. You just described my 10th grade Geometry class. Only class I ever flunked, along with about 15 other people. We liked the teacher ok, but we didn’t like geometry and he was ready to retire and didn’t give much of a crap what we did.

Is he an older teacher who has just given up? Or a younger one who doesn’t know what to do? I used to be a substitute and I never had a class get out of control like that. Although a hulking youth did threaten to kick my ass after I caught him cheating and took his test paper away* - that was about the time I decided subbing bit the big one and found a different job. As a truck stop cashier. Which I found to be a major freaking improvement. Some people are born to teach, and I tip my hat to them, but I ain’t one of them. Sounds like Mr. So-and-so might need to re-examine his career options, too.

*He couldn’t even cheat right…he blatently had his textbook wide open on the desk and he still got all the answers wrong.

I would guess that he is no older than 20 something, maybe 25 years old give or take a few years.

Man, I feel so bad for that teacher. I mean, he’s a doormat. But still, that must be a crummy situation to be in. But that’s why I’m not a high school teacher.

With 3 kids of his own … all majoring in ‘fucking up’

All teachers should be given an Electric Cattle Prod, & liberal rights to use it.