I might be getting a new car tomorrow!

Well, maybe. I’m going for a test drive in this 2000 Citroen Xsara HDI Break (link may expire in a few days).

I’m making more kilometers because of my job now, and my 1996 Peugeot 306 is getting rather costly to drive, what with it running on petrol (EUR 1.15 a liter here), an only getting 12 kilometers to the liter. In comparison: the Xsara diesel gets about 20 kilometers to the liter, an diesel only costs EUR .85.

It’s also equipped with more luxury (automatic airconditioning, ABS, tons of airbags), more powerful, roomier, and 4 years newer. Ironically, it’s got about 25,000 km’s more on the odometer than my current car, but a 2.0 diesel is better equiped for 100,000+ odometer readouts than a 1.4 petrol!

If I get a good trade in, the car will only cost me an additional EUR 7,000. Let’s hope it’s in good shape, and that my negotiating skills don’t let me down tomorrow. :smiley:

What does “break” mean?



What’s this maybe crap?

Throw all caution to the wind. Tell the rational, financial and logical parts of your brain to take a hike.

Then you can get one of these.

Thank God, your getting rid of the Peugot!

Porsche man! Mercedes Benz! BMW! You’re in Europe. How about one of those Lotus Elise’s we can’t get here? You can get these things relatively cheap bein a Continental European person, why settle for the Citrus fruit?

We don’t have Citroen’s here so I’m having difficulty envying your new vehicle (which does look kind of cool I’ll have to admit.)

Men and their toys! :wink:

Nice looking car btw.

Ah, a boy and his car…

::flicks away a sentimental tear::

Wait a danged minute. What about your former beloved, the Poo-Joe? You’re just gonna trade it off, at the mercy of some hormone-addled teenager or a myopic housewife? You car slut, you.

Never mind. You’re gonna be happily occupied hood-diving or terrorizing the Dutch countryside, testing out what the new wheels will do anyway.

(Excellent car, though.)

Prone to pointless, well, points,


Do those things still have that funky adjustable hydraulic suspension? I’d try to avoid that.

Diesel is currently more expensive than gasoline here, which could complicate things when you ship your new car over here to drive your (hot) girlfriend around.

Didn’t you learn a lesson about hot american babes with your last french car?

You also realize that diesels are high-torque but low-speed engines, right? You recognize that compression ignition engines are better suiter for larger applications, like trains and container ships, right?

You recognize that deisel cars blow monkeys in the performance department, right?

Just buy a Honda, you cheap Dutch bastard.

Also, why did you put this in the Pit? Moderators starting threads in improper fora could set a bad example for newbies.

Please ignore my previous post in its entirety.

Anybody who doesn’t know what forum he’s posting in shouldn’t be posting at all.

“Break” is French for “Station wagon”, oddly enough! :slight_smile:

Payton, I wouldn’t buy one of those bordellos on wheels in a million years. Yuck.

Scylla, cars are anything but cheap over here. As soon as my ship comes in, and I have a garage for it, a second-hand Elise is definitely on my short list. For now (one parking permit per household in A’dam!), the car has to be a rather multifunctional one. I guess sports cars are out. :slight_smile:

Vebbie, Citroen and Peugeot are both part of the PSA Group. So I’m not that much of a slut! Actually, the reason I want this one is because it offers the same HDI engine as Peugeot does, only for less money. The engine is an absolute dream, my dad has the same power unit in his “Poo-Joe”. :slight_smile:

Excellent car, eh, it’s not exactly a babe magnet. The colour’s rather bland, the styling’s not really cutting edge, but it’s got excellent road holding capacities, fantastic seats, and plenty of room.

Fuck, am I getting old? This is far too sensible. :slight_smile:

This one doesn’t have the hydropneumatic suspension: in fact, it shares the platform with my Peugeot 306. Some Citroens still have the hydro: I think the C5.

This diesel happens to outperform my current petrol car, believe it or not!

Top speed is 180 km/h, and the 0-100 acceleration can be done in 11 seconds. Not a drag racer, but not a slug either. The extra bonus is tons of torque at a low RPM (it’s a common rail turbo diesel), offering a relaxed ride without having to shift your way into oblivion.

If I may be so bold as to hijack a mod’s thread, I noticed that the car had “ABS” and “Airbags.” Any reason why those weren’t translated? Any other annoying English words sneaking around over there? Also, can the submit reply button here on the SDMB become the “Zenden” button? Sounds like a lot more fun.

End attempted hijack.

Just to translate this into American:

0-60 in 11. Not too good, but not pathetic. Top speed blows huge chunks. But that’s just in the US, and we can’t go that fast legally, anyway. Which was largely my whole “performance” bitch in the first place.

This is just a personal thing, but I hate diesels in cars. They burn dirty, and they top out quick. Low-speed deisels are the absolute nuts for their proper application, but the dinky, high-speed, whiny little ones they put in cars annoy me.

I have resisted the temptation up until now to point out that that thing looks silly, but I can’t help it any more.

That thing looks silly.

Don’t know about a “Zenden” button. It might be fun. :slight_smile:

ABS stands for Anti-Blokkeer Systeem. As Dutch as can be!
Airbags, well, that’s just never translated, and if it is, it’s translated to something funny rather than descriptive. It’s just one of our millions of assimilated words.

BTW, that Citroen is gonna be mighty surprised when they check the IP log on their server tomorrow.

“People from the US are checking out our Xsara diesel??” :smiley:

Nice try, but you ain’t fooling me.

I’ve watched all the James Bond movies, so I know for a fact that everybody in Europe can afford a sportscar.

Eeee. You’ve shattered my illusions. I generally thought European cars would be a lot cheaper for you. I always kind of felt that a guy like you might pick up the new Porsche Boxster the way we’d pick up a Miata or something.

But, if you are wise and intelligent enough to select the Elise as your future second car, the Citroen must indeed be as nice as it looks.

When did the French start making good-looking cars again?

Exgineer, to each his own, of course!

But 180 km/h isn’t too horrible as far as top speed goes. And yeah, I rarely drive it anyway. I’m more interested in things like the 80-120 km/h acceleration, in which diesels excel due to their wide torque band. And this thing is as quiet as a petrol car, it’s unbelievable. Not a diesel lover per se myself, but they sure have their pros.

The French have always made goodlooking cars! It’s only recent that they started to build reliable ones, though. :wink:

And, FYI, a basic Porsche Boxster costs EUR 62,000 over here: some $75,000. I’m sure it’s cheaper in the US, right?


Like Le Car?

Basic Porsche Boxster, about $43,000. If you want the basic extras your pretty close to $50,000.

Dude, come to America where the cars are cheap, the woman are easy, the beers are watery, and the cows aren’t mad.

–>fraught silence<–

No. Honestly. Trust me on this.
Somehow an intervention for “old and sensible” just doesn’t seem right about now.


And we don’t burn diesel in our getarounds.

I’ve got two.

A Chevy Lumina that I regret buying (used), because it’s reaffirming my belief that I have some sort of of curse on my head with GM products.

The other one is a 1997 Ford F-150 that I bought new, and I’ve never had a problem with it. It also magically simplfies trips to the lumber yard and Home Depot.

How are you going to get sheets of drywall into that Citroen?

Oops. Veb snuck in there on me.

Come on over to my place, sweetie, and we’ll discuss our sensible cars. :smiley: