Yup, that’s right. Some people I worked with waaaaay long ago are now established college level computer textbook writers. They have a whole pile of books to their names, some of which are best sellers. They’ve mentioned before that they could probably find work for me if I wanted, and after the big UP trip earlier this month, I decided to look into it.
It would be a pay cut to begin with, but I get to work at home, set my own hours, etc. I can live anywhere I want, which is a huge bonus for me since high-tech jobs in the Frozen North are few and far between. Mr. Athena has generously offered to take on more of the household expenses if necessary. The job also offers huuuuge potential for making tons o’ bucks. I guess six figure royalty checks are not unheard of, if you have a top selling book. I’m several years away from that, but it’s nice to have a job with potential!
They’ve pretty much offered to take me in and apprentice me along, teaching me the ins and outs of the business, as long as I’m motivated and work hard. I don’t know if I’ll like writing textbooks, but I do know that I’m pretty burnt out on programming, so I’m willing to give it a try. I’ve also worked for these guys before, and they’re smart, motivated people who are really excited about what they do. They were very good to me when I was in high school, and really got me started in computers. I owe a lot to them, and if they teach me as much this time around as they did last time around, I’ll owe 'em even more. Whoohooo!
Congrats! Here’s to your success. Will your writing be limited to textbooks or will that be just a stepping stone?
I also wanted to say that I hope I follow in your footsteps. I’m working on and being a programmer right now, but I’d absolutely love to write someday… even if I never made a dime at it.
Wow! What a great opportunity, Athena. That it dovetails nicely with your potentional move to MI is just the down in your comforter. Which you’ll be needing in that frozen peninsula.
Awesome! I know a few of the faculty I work with here have written text books and its definately a supplement to the ol’ income!
I’m hoping they’ll hire me, next round, for all their word processing/desktop publishing needs. They can’t do it on University time and, of course, neither could I, but now that I have a 'puter at home, it might work.
Wow! What a perfect opportunity for you. Keep us posted.
I’ll probably stick with the textbook writing for now. I used to want to write a book, but as I get older, the need gets lower and lower on the priority list.
For a long time, I’ve wanted a work at home kind of job. I don’t suffer fools easily, and there are no lack of fools in an office. Plus, working at home seems so expansive, time wise. I think it’s because of the flexibility - I’m no longer driving at rush hour, so going places takes less time. Same goes for shopping - going to the grocery store at 10 am on a Tuesday is a vastly different experience than 10 am on a Saturday. Plus not having to do a routine every day works well with me. I’m much happier when I can roll out of bed whenever I want, grab a cup of coffee, start working right away. Two hours later, I want a break, so maybe I go for a run and then shower. Work another few hours, put on a chicken to roast for dinner and read for a few minutes. Work some more, Mr. Athena comes home. Yak with him for a while, eat dinner, then remember something about work, so sit down for another half hour or so. Something about having work right there in my home meshes well with me - it’s almost like the artificial break between HOME and OFFICE makes it so I never quite embrace my job into my life fully.
Not to mention, I can live anywhere I want. Lately, Mr. Athena and I have been tossing around the idea of 6 months in da UP, and 6 months somewhere cool in New Mexico or Arizona. Anyone know any neat towns down there? We’re thinking Taos-ish, but not so touristy.