I went to the doctor today. I’ve got some sort of funky infection that’s had a grip on me since, oh, mid-August.
The doctor decided to go whole hog on the drugs this time. I’ve got Nasonex nasal spray, Claritin D, and this nifty inhaler for some stuff called Relenza. All of these have to be taken more than once daily.
These are short-term, of course. But I also take three prescription meds on a daily basis, one of them three times daily.
So, for the next week or so, I’m going to spend a LARGE portion of my day just taking drugs.
All these drugs, and nothing I can even cop a buzz from. Sheesh.
I feel your pain. I just got done taking Biaxin and Hubimid for bronchitis I just couldn’t shake. In addition to the weird mood fluctuations, I puked after almost all meals for the last week.
Not fun
The doc said I was just sensitive to the biaxin but that it was the best course for what I had
…but I lost ten pounds! ::smiling weakly::