I need a new /d/r/u/g/ game...

Not sure which forum is the best fit here. But I am seeking opinions even if not deciding on one and presenting it here.

I’m pretty tired of both Minesweeper and Freecell. But my long term fascination with both no doubt says something about me.

Offhand I don’t know of a new game that might match my inclinations. And I doubt there is any online equivalent of “If you liked this movie, you should check out…”

So what say you? Is there one you know of that has something of a similar appeal to my two old fixations?

… And I promise not to sue anyone if I become addicted. :slight_smile:

Thread relocated from IMHO to the Game Room.

If you’re looking for games like Minesweeper and Freecell. How about Hearts. Back in the Windows 95 days, I had a Windows Games style Cribbage as well. It worked well for practicing.

You might enjoy iOS/Android versions of games designed by Reiner Knizia like Lost Cities, Ingenious, etc. - they’re somewhat abstract/math-y but not too brain burning, and have a good bit of luck mixed in - quick and very replayable IMO.

Some good sites:


I like a game called Bridges from the Simon Tatham puzzle collection. The other games are all kinda mindy, too. The interface is very bare bones, though. Still, they have web browser versions, so you can check 'em out.

Orisinal games.

Terraria is a bit like Minecraft: tons of digging and building and crafting. Differences: it’s side-scrolling instead of 3D, and there’s significantly more combat (although it’s adorable combat), and there are a lot more boss monsters. I love it.

Sounds absolutely nothing like Minesweeper :wink:

I like picross games and they’re pretty readily available. They’re kind of reminiscent of minesweeper, but more puzzle and less chance, I guess.

I have a game on my phone (iOS) called fill-a-pix and it’s a little bit along similar lines. Pathpix is good, too. All are games with blocks and numbers that end up resulting in a picture or pattern in different ways.


As penance, I offer this timewaster of a game, which I got from these very boards.

You should check out Linkz.

God damn you straight to hell…

A few suggestion that might be up your alley: http://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/

Uno: Lupo PenSuite: Box

Thanks to all who have responded.

I was going to suggest Basement, but apparently that’s not the kind of drug game the OP was talking about.


The version I found for my (Windows) phone is great, in that there’s an immediate indication that you’ve solved it, typically when you didn’t realize you were done.

I find myself always returning to games that don’t have time limits, like Threes and Drop7.

A bunch of dopers (including me) have wasted a lot of time with Trimps.

I had to give up freecell when Microsoft started charging for it. Eventually I found what became a perfect substitute: 2-suit spider solitaire at solitaireforfree.com.

I liberally used the Undo button in my freecell days to try and solve every game I played, and I find 2-suit spider to be roughly equal in terms of “every game is winnable”-ness and undos required to achieve that.

I’m currently on a 100-game win streak, though a non-trivial amount of those wins involved restarting (which doesn’t count as a loss) and leaving it for a bit, coming back days later with fresh eyes to try a completely different approach.

I also second LHoD’s suggestion of circuits; you can see me in the Monthly Competition leader boards over there. I started a few months ago and have finished every month in the top 10, but have never cracked the top 3. I’m the one with the New York Giants logo for an avatar. (I’m currently in 5th place for the June contest.)