Given that you’re probably kind of liberal your best bets are:
Rush Limbaugh: $30+ million a year salary (something like that) and legions of fans
Newt Gingrich: out of politics but liberals still use his name to raise money
G.W. Bush: (self explanatory)
USSC (for 2000 election decision): liberals like to think they “appointed” Bush but the 7-2 decision (not 5-4) was simply to declare the idea of selective recounts done by Democrats in Democrat counties to be unfair. (The 5-4 decision said it was too late to correct the errors in the Florida SC decisions and that they should go with the original count(s)). My own view is that stopping Gore from stealing the election isn’t the same thing as “appointing” (illegitimately)" Bush.
My own list of boogey men:
Trial lawyers who are raping and pillaging and taxing us all with higher insurance costs, manufacturing costs, etc.
The bought and paid for political wing of the trial lawyers: The Democrats.
Artists who claim that the government not giving them money for their crapola “art” is equal to “censorship”.
Homosexuals who insisted that Ronald Reagan was responsible for their deaths by not curing AIDs. He also killed millions by not curing cancer but those people don’t seem to hold him personally responsible.
Greedy corporate CEOs who rely on an old boy network of corporate boardmembers to keep their salaries ludicrously high while the average working man is seeing his salary stagnate (or disappear).
Liberals who think that the US is basically responsible for everything bad in the world. Everything everyone does, from the USSR to Saddam Hussein to N. Korea is a reaction against the evil US. (Noam Chomsky).
Hillary Clinton and her ilk who want to seize as much power as possible and have the government (run by enlightened geniuses such as themselves) basically run everything. They don’t trust the rubes out there in flyover country to manage themselves.
Conservatives who think that lower taxes rates will raise tax receipts. Except for extreme circumstances, like a depression, I don’t think this will work.
Stockbroker con men who con people into thinking that they can outperform the stock market through their superior skills.