I need a sig

I realize I’ve not been on this board very long, but I come on and read the boards for about 2 1/2 hours, and I haven’t posted all that much but I’m looking for a good sig. I wonder if anyone out there can help. I’m just a lonely newbie on the SDMB with no friends here.

That should be 2 1/2 hours every morning. It’s way to early for me to think.

“computer games don’t affect kids, I mean if pac man affected us as
we’d all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to
repetitive music.”

hehehe that is just not right. anyways it’s hard to actually get into a conversation/good spirited discussion with any group of people this time of the morning. very few people post and the ones I do see post (which will remain nameless) seem like they do so only to get their post count up. Of course that is just MY opinion and that is the only one that counts. Hehehehe

Tiki God is my favorite poster EVER!! Combining charm and whit with a healthy dose of true intelligence, Tiki shines a light into the realm of ignorance that we all would do well to follow. And I’m not just saying this to be quoted in the sig! - Spritle

All hail The Mighty Tiki God, from whom all blessings flow! Let us beg The Mighty Tiki God, that The Mighty Tiki God might bless us and render us tasteful, that we might have the sense NOT to wear that horrible purple shirt in public! Thank The Mighty Tiki God for causing the sun to rotate 'round the Earth, thus protecting us from centripedal force… which, were the situation otherwise, would fling us, squealing like swine, out into space! Prostrate yourselves before The Mighty Tiki God!!

Or, as an option: Prostate yourselves before The Mighty Tiki God!!

Hope that helps!

How about…
Drugs are bad mmmm’kay…

oldie :wink:

Twisty :wink:
ummm whasit?

I’m not sure you can really top Spritle’s (I give it two thumbs up) but in case youi missed her subtlety I’ll offer the first thing that popped into my mind.

Gods and smiting go hand in hand. And isn’t smiting such a cool word? Smite, smite, smite, smote, smote, smote. Prepare to be smitten!!!
On second thought it’s so obviously after midnight here and on paper that looks like crap. sigh

TMTG – not to be confused with TMBG

Hmm some people want some brownie points I see. I like that. Sucking up is good. LOL Anyways to the people that have contributed thanks! I need a punchy sig so far it’s a tie between Spritle and TwistofFate. Although the sucking up thing is helping a certain person out. I reckon flattery is just as important as punchiness.

The Mighty Tiki God - No virgin sacrifice required.

I’m sure not trying to start anything here, nor am I being partial, but before you make that final decision, there are a few things that you should know about TwistofFate.

  1. It is well known that ToF masticates regularly.
  2. I have never seen ToF do anything nice for anybody.
  3. I don’t know if ToF gives to ANY charities.
  4. Hi Opal.
  5. I never recalled seeing ToF use “Hi Opal” in any list.
  6. ToF has a glabella.

Again, impartial material. An informed decision is more worthy than not.

(:slight_smile: ToF)

It’s way to early for me to think.

Of course that is just MY opinion and that is the only one that counts.

Unlike most of the tikis of their legends and folktales, this one was no pushover for pots of poi, lustrous pearls, coconut wine, or even the occasional pretty handmaiden.

“Yes, tiki! Yes Lord and Master! Yes, O Wise and Beneficent Boldface!” the islanders chanted in reply.

Both of these from Don Callander, in Dragon Tempest

Dire Wolf wrote:

Or, The Mighty Tiki God - Virgin sacrifice IS required.

Me Ke Aloha Pau Ole
May our friendship be everlasting