I need to be 'ful' of another list please

Yeah, sorry. I don’t mean to constantly seek Dopers’ input on all things’ endings (like my previous Words That Finish in O thread), but apparently my Google-fu still sucks (especially with suffixes!) and I’ve been unable to find any random generators for my perculiar needs. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, to help me convert more stuff into goofy faithFOOL type nonsense, could you all give this a shot for the momentarily (I hope anyway) braindead?

I am thankfool :wink: in advance.

Well, it’s just wishfool thinking you’re going to get a decent response. I’d say more, but I’m bashfool.

Can’t come up with a good joke – but here’s a link useful in many kinds of wordplay: linky.

twicks (wordplay is her business – her only business)

I don’t think I’ll be helpfool.

Thank you guys for starting me off and especially you twicks with that very thoughtfool link. Anyway, if anyone else has more, I’d be gratefool.


So if Lawrence Welk had known you, would his catch phrase have been “Wunnerfool, wunnerfool”?

I truthfoolly hope you have a blissfool, eventfool day! Just be carefool you don’t cross the line into sinfoolness.

Sternvogel, I’m beginning to think you’re falling me around.

Which, of course, makes me on, um, joyfool happy camper. :smiley:
Keep 'em coming folks!!

Following up on twickster’s post:
Words ending in "ful."

And in ‘fool’: http://onelook.com/?w=*fool&ls=a