"I Never..." (Drinking game-turned-SDMB social!)

For those of you unfamiliar with the old college drinking game “I never,” let me explain:

A bunch of people sit around with alcoholic beverages. They take turns making a statement starting with the phrase “I never…”

For example, “I never had sex with a chicken.”

Then everyone, in their little heads, repeats the phrase to determine the truthfulness in relation to themselves. If they determine said phrase to be a lie (i.e. “I have had sex with a chicken”), they would take a drink. This in turn reveals to everyone present that you have in fact had sex with a chicken (and gets you that much closer to being drunk, and possibly having sex with a chicken again).

I figured I’d translate this game to the SDMB, and see how it goes.

**First, drinking is not a required (but highly encourage) aspect of this game.

Second, the only way you are allowed to post an “I Never…” phrase is if you in fact have done what is described in a previous “I never…”. In short, drinking here is replaced by posting a new phrase to the thread.

You must quote the relevant “I never…” phrase in your post (so that we may all point and snicker), and then toss out a new one. No further explanation is necessary (though, if you’d like, highly encouraged).**

Okay here goes, starting off with some easy ones, to see if anyone bites:

  1. “I never cheated on a significant other.”

  2. “I never slept with the boss.”

  3. “I never used someone else’s toothbrush.”

“I have used someone else’s toothbrush.” (with his permission, btw)

“I have never made so much noise making love that the neighbors pounded on the wall.”

“I’ve never gone skinny dipping with members of the opposite sex.”

(crap, already drunk from those posted)

I’ve never posed a mannequin in a risque position.

I’ve never had to sneak out of a house half nekkid.

(Although one should define what half nekked entails- shirt/pants, carrying undergarments is half-nekkid in my book)

I’ve never licked someones toes

I’ve never owned a Barry Manilow album.

It was a gift, ok?

I’ve never masterbated at work.

I’ve never had sex with someone who was asleep.

I’ve never had a threesome.

Going back to the OP, “I’ve never slept with the boss.”

Surry aboot the misspeling abofe. D’oh

I never was indicted by the county, state, or federal governments.

Does Mom pounding on the wall count?

Well it wasnt exactly a sneak and it was my house…
I have never written an anonymous letter to a co worker telling them what a total idiot they are…

It was a skeleton in anatomy class.
I’ve never been arrested for public nudity.

I’ve never had sex with a woman.

Well, that’s an easy one…

I’ve never had anal sex (that I know of)…

They were, like, identical twin toothbruses, okay?

After I reached the age of ten, I have never picked my nose and eaten it.

I’ve never…

had sex in someone else’s bed

worn women’s underwear on purpose

As a matter of fact, my first time was in my at the time GF’s bed.
I have never been in a 69.

Considering I’m a chick…

I never dated. or kept dating, someone just for the sex.