This article is sad and frustrating. An Applebee’s employee uploaded a photo of a customer’s receipt where they had written an offensive note and tried not to tip (but still ended up tipping). Applebee’s responded by firing the waitress responsible. Just upsetting all around really. She didn’t intend any harm to the patron and I really don’t think she deserved to be fired over it if she was a good waitress otherwise. It was a dumb lapse of judgment for sure, to not obscure the customer’s name/signature.
I keep coming back to this OP trying to find something to say that doesn’t go in the pit. There are many, many things wrong with the way a lot of churches are run, and obligatory tithing is one of them. This “Pastor” is a grade-a asshole and the waitress, I hope, finds a job with fewer customer service issues.
I’m skeptical of all of these receipts. They seem contrived to raise people’s hackles.
Well, in this instance, at least, the pastor appears to confirm that she did write the comment.
Apparently she regrets what she said now but that people judged her too harshly. My opinion is that if you don’t want people to think you’re a d-bag, don’t write d-bag stuff on receipts. If you think tipping is stupid or wrong, don’t eat at places that have table service.
edit: It was foolish of the waitress to not black out the signature and the whole mess could have been avoided if she had. It could also have been avoided if the pastor hadn’t been a grade-A cuntwaffle in the first place.
Applebee’s is a shitdump anyway. Firing the server is just one more reason in along list not to go there.
“Because I actually exist”
She doesn’t regret what she said; she regrets being caught and called out on it. This hack ‘pastor’ deserves exactly the attention she’s getting.
Some people are stupid, selfish, self-serving and stingy. Film at eleven, y’know?
She gives 10% to her own churchof 15, run out of a storefront…what are the chances she’s skimming of the tithes of her ‘congregation’?
Yes you did, Pastor Bell, yes you did.
Jesus would like a word with you.
And then you can take a remedial math course in which you learn how meaningless it is to compare percentages of two completely different things.
In the article she says that she did leave a cash tip.
Sometimes I’ll do that. I wonder what the chances are of one of my “0” receipts ending up online. Then again I don’t write douchebag things on them.
She’s fucking lying. Why would she do that after she wrote that shit on the receipt? Not attacking your post, just pissed off at her.
Why would a receipt with zero on the tipline end up on the internet if you left a cash tip? The server’s not outraged about anything. I usually tip with a card anyway but on the rare instances where I tip cash I write ON TABLE or CASH. My receipts would be worth no karma, which I think would be a good takeaway lesson here to make things we leave behind not redeemable for internet points, meaningless though they are.
That is one downside of leaving a cash tip - you risk looking like a jerk when you put a zero tip on the credit slip. Whenever I pay at the counter, as we do at most of the small restaurants in town, I make an effort to say something nice as I hand the slip back.
I bet the fine folks at Anonymous have some fun with this “pastor”.
And anyone else whose name comes close to matching the scribble. The internet is a dick and harassment campaigns are no fun for the innocent.
Sure, it’s possible, but as tdn said, just write “0” not “you don’t deserve a tip” when you do that and you should be fine.
I wonder if that includes this (from this article):
I’m quite sure she regrets it. I highly doubt she’s sorry about it.
That pastor is a self entitled fucking pig and an embarrassment.
That waitress had a lapse in judgment but I am glad that the pastor really did get what was coming to her. The Consumerist article is the more interesting of the two. That waitress actually seems pretty bright and is very well spoken. She will definitely land on her feet.