I pit all the morons who continue to engage with Clothahump, and the mods who refuse to ban him

I believe what you meant to say was “a poster who has broken the rules and has been suspended for it, and consistently posts crap outside of the general purview of rational people”

Could you count 'em up and let me know how many times I have yelled “Troll” - much appreciated.

And I’m sure, if the poster you are defending has not broken the rules, you can assert confidently that he has no warnings or suspensions on his record?

And Clothahump, to answer what you just said in the ATMB forum, you often come across as very ill-informed and very shrill in matters of Politics, particularly your comments regarding President Obama and the Affordable Care Act. You don’t seem to be able to discuss either topic from a policy and factual perspective, it is all hostile opinion which mirrors Fox News/Right Wing talking points.


(bolding mine)

Right on the 'ol ball, aren’t you, Stringy? Why don’t you just flounce right the fuck back on out of here?

Clothahump has been suspended.

Posters who don’t break the rules don’t get suspended. I didn’t reproduce the links to his warnings and trolling, but you can click on them in Bone’s post.

It seems to me that you’re skipping over some posts that contain no insults at all, but rather reasonable attempts at discussion.

Thanks cochrane and El Kabong.

I think the telling part of that quote is this:

In previous instances I’ve tried to view things generously when possible but there is no longer any doubt.

Here’s trolling 101, literally the most basic way to troll a community: pop up in a thread, throw out a stupid, inflammatory, ill-informed statement, like, oh, say…

Then wait for the negative responses to roll in.

And it’s basically all he does.

One thing that separates Clothahump from other right-wing idiots is that most idiots come with “facts” they picked up at Yahoo or Breitbart. Or, for the higher-class idiot, “facts” they got from Forbes.com or one of the Koch’s “think” tanks.

But Humpy doesn’t even attempt “facts.” He’s like an incontinent old man that can only blurt out “Duuuh. Liberuls are teh styoopid!” No reasons or reasoning. Sometimes he gets smirky and implies that he has insights he’d share if he weren’t having more fun playing the role of fool. But I don’t think his foolishness is just pretense; I think his puny brain can only hold one fetid opinion about politics and he just repeats it over and over.

Serious question: Has Clothahump ever posted even a single thing on politics that was at sixth-grade intellectual level or higher? Clothy, what do you got?

I agree. I think he knows as well as us that his role is that of an old flea-infested dog, who lounges near the doorway in case someone wants to kick it. It’s hard to believe, but almost 70% of white men voted for Trump. It’s good to keep old Mangy Humpy around to remind us of what America is up against.

Which he also did inthis thread wherein I and several posters, Andy-with-too-many-Is included, invited him to engage in serious discussions.

In the above-mentioned thread, BPC also suggested that I was a “fucking idiot” for attempting to engage you in reasonable debate, which certainly wasn’t very nice, but I could at least appreciate that it came from a place of logic and was not entirely unfounded.

In reality, what happens is that you ignore every post with a rational response in it and only pick out the insults then pretend that there are only insults, all the while presenting a long string of insults yourself while not even making the slightest attempt to present a rational argument of your own (and for the record “liberals R dumb hur hur” does not constitute a rational argument). When called on it, you tell the person involved to “fuck off” and put them on Ignore in order to avoid having to admit to yourself that a bunch of internet libtards bested you in a political discussion.

None of which is trolling, but it is rather sad, and it is a recurring pattern, hence the extensive Ignore list you had acquired.

On preview: Bah - ninja’d on the same point.

Well then! He ripped on Obamacare!?!

You’re right, that kind of intolerance can’t be allowed, especially here. He should be banned.

Good job, pretending this is the sole time he’s ever behaved like a jerk. Perhaps someone who has never encountered the poster before will buy it.

I guess it’s self-evident to you what “fucking over America” is supposed to mean, but a lot of what people are objecting to here is the lack of any actual argument.

(PS: I don’t think he should be banned, unless, say, he once again brags about trolling, or some other egregious rules violation)

This is exactly me perception of Clothahump. He complains that he isn’t taken seriously and only the subject of insults but rarely, if ever, posts anything that can be taken as a serious argument. It is extremely rare that I see him respond to anybody who actually posts a rational counter-point to what he posts. At this point, even if he wanted to be taken seriously, there’s so much bad blood it is probably too late. For me, I just don’t respond to Clothahump (and a couple of others) not because I hate him, it just seems pointless.

Yup. If you think the Affordable Care Act is ‘fucking over’ people, then at least have the intellect to explain why you think this is happening. If you can’t do that, you just sound like an angry asshole repeating right wing talking points.

But its like the arguments we had here and I had with other people pretty much everywhere;

R: Obamacare is fascist! You can’t force me to buy health insurance!
Me: Do you have insurance now?
R: Of course I do, that isn’t the point!
Me: So the point is that you’re angry about being forced to buy something you already have and want to keep? :dubious:
Me: :smack:

That’s a nonsensical argument that comes from buying into and repeating right wing talking points without really thinking it through. Or being willing to do so.

Now if you’d argued that you don’t think that people in specific circumstances should be forced to do so, then you might actually have an argument to make. But you’d have to actually have a rational justification there, not just the argument shown above.

Except the discussion doesn’t even get that far. Usually it’s more like this:

C: Obamacare is fucking over America!
Somebody: That’s idiotic. What the fuck are you talking about?
C: Typical Libtard, whining like a broke-dick dog because they don’t have an argument…
Somebody: ???
…and off we go into the weeds.

Well right, unfortunately, all too often that is Clothahump’s level of discourse here. Then he complains about how HE is being insulted.

Have you interacted with Clothahump at any length? It’s not just the occasional rip. He constantly pops into threads, posts one stupid, inflammatory, contrarian comment, then either leaves, or interacts only with the people who reflexively call him a moron (because at this point, it’s become entirely clear that there is no point in interacting with him - ask Not Carlson how his best attempts went) in order to play a stupid holier-than-thou game of one-upmanship.

And then a large group of people immediately feed the troll, polluting countless threads with stupid bullshit. It would be nice if the ignore function blocked out all posts by a person and all posts quoting that person, but it does not.

His MO is well known. He doesn’t even have the intellectual value that a troll like cj from Rutgers has - at least his stupid shit is intellectually coherent to the point where you can challenge it, and someone might learn something. And this is just the latest clear example of this I found. The thing that matters is not the individual post. It’s the clear pattern that has led so many people here to find him utterly unworthy of dealing with. Hence this thread.

I don’t support his banning. Yes, it is frustrating to try to change his mind but it doesn’t mean we must stop trying. I consider him to be the internet version of Kelly Ann Conway. If she still gets to go on the air and spill her bile, then this much smaller audience can tolerate him.

That he seems to have actually considered arguments that his lengthy ignore list might be counter-productive means there may be some hope after all.