I pit CastletonSnob1

How come it’s okay to paint all Southerners with the same awful brush? What the fuck is your problem?

This has got to be the weakest Pitting I have ever seen. Then again, I haven’t been here in awhile, so. C’mon, be best!


Seriously, what a poisoned-well OP. We get it, there’s a lot wrong with the South. You want to criticize state governments? Go ahead. Want to go after the Georgia vote suppression bill, or the Texas abortion lynch-by-lawsuit law, or jackasses like Lin Wood or Ron DeSantis or Marjory Taylor Greene? Knock yourself out. Want to rain fire on Southern Baptists and other evangelicals trying to legislate their religion? Plenty of grist for that mill.

But to drop a little poison-pill thread that asks if there’s anything good about the South, implying obviously that the answer is no? That’s either stunning ignorance, straight up bigotry, or simple trolling.

I got pissed and composed a lengthy reply, but I should have given the OP the answer it deserved:

Does the south have any redeeming qualities?


He made a new account to bash the South, which he has done to death on his previous account, and in fact received a Warning for.

I like that, and I’m soooo tempted to use your reply in that thread, but I’m afraid I’d add a line:

Does the south have any redeeming qualities?


Do you?

Please, be my guest.

Bless his heart.

Two previous warnings about the same subject in two previous thread closings.
I don’t see much of a future for this idjit.

Three of his OPs in the last week:

“Does the south have any redeeming qualities?”
“Just split the country.”
“Why no hate for the midwest?”

He seems intent on stirring a very particular pot.

I don’t try to stir a pot. It’s just that I tend to get really obsessed with certain subjects, and have a hard time letting go. Sorry if I’m being annoying.

And I made a new account because I tried to sign in with my old account after the software upgrade, but it didn’t recognize my account.

If you keep it up, they’re going to help you let go by banning you.

I’d suggest finding a different corner of the internet to talk about the South in and save the Dope for the other things you like, which you don’t seem as obsessed about.

Why are those threads allowed outside of the Pit?

The thread is closed.
Such threads do pretty much belong in the pit.

This is actually incorrect.
But reporting him was very useful as the thread is closed and he is warned.

So thank you on behalf of the mods for the report.

I’m here because I kept thinking of you, @CastletonSnob1. I was getting “one-track-minded”, and spending too much time and emotional energy here.

I took some time off posting. I’d still read threads, but without signing in, so I couldn’t reply. Which cut my “Oh, I’ll just check in on that thread before I do what I should be doing” time down to a quarter of what it had been.

And I totally stopped starting threads.

And y’know what, I learned so much from what others were saying. I’d recommend it.

You strike me as really naive and reluctant to experience anything out of your comfort zone. I’m sure I can list what sucks about wherever you’re from in voluminous detail, but I have no desire to. There’s already enough hate and division in this country.

I’ve lived in the south all my life. There are things I like about it and things I don’t like. I’m sure natives of other American regions can say the same thing. Stop thinking pejorative headlines are the norm. I have enough trouble cleaning soot off me from all the crosses I burn.

Yup. I mean, I spent four years outside of the south, but I love where I’m from.

The best way to see it is that we’re something of an occupied territory. The folks in power are profoundly anti-democratic and do their best to maintain their white supremacist power structures at the expense of the general population. They do so through a combination of violence, propaganda, religious demagoguery, and financial control. They’re some real nasty fuckers.

But my region is also home to some of history’s most profound movements for justice. It’s home to some incredibly brave, creative, loving people. The art that comes out of our culture is second to none on earth. The way that different cultural groups intermingle leads to genuine innovation.

But my region is also impoverished, due to clear historical dynamics. And the tyrants who control the region are just fine with that poverty, because it makes it easier for them to maintain control.

When smug shits outside of the South start talking about how all the good people move away, it’s just a sign that they’re smug shits.

Ok folks. Y’all are giving the board a bad name.

We’re supposed to be an echo chamber full of socialist, snobby, elitist city dwellers. Get with the program! :wink:

One of the reasons I miss our dearly departed asahi is that it would have been fun in that thread to see him continuous redefine the boundaries of “the south” to exclude all counter-examples until “the south” is entirely composed of a few counties in Alabama and Mississippi.

So, “No True Southerner”?