I friggin’ hate charter miscommunications, if there’s a more incompetent cable company out there, i’ve yet to see it…
set the Way-Back machine for 2 years ago…
i move up to Vermont to take a job at a well known Mac service provider/reseller, i need to get broadband, so i set up an appointment for “9 AM to 1 PM” take the morning off work, and wait…
and wait…
and wait…
around 12:30 i call, and am told the installer is “running late” and they’ll have to move me into the 1-5 PM time slo, great, just great, i was planning on going into work late that day, but i can’t now, i call my employer, and they’re very understanding, tell me to take the day off and don’t worry about it
and wait…
and wait…
around 4 PM i call, and the installer is STILL running late, long story short, he shows up at 5:30 and installs the cable/broadband, after making me waste an entire day of work
i just moved to a new apartment this week and needed to have charter transfer my service to the new location, i make the call, dreading what’ll happen. i know they’ll invariably frell something up
i set up the appointment for yesterday, 1-5 PM, and planning in advance, take the day off from work
and wait…
and wait…
and wait…
3:30 i call and am told “he’ll be there by 5 PM”
5:15, i call, why isn’t the cable installer here…
“they can’t find your apartment, it doesn’t exist…”
i look around the room in my “nonexistent” apartment, i touch the walls and floor, seems too solid to be a figment of my imagination, so either i’m serously deluded, or the charter people are idiots…
i press the tech further, and he can find “no record” of my appointment, the reference number i was given “doesn’t exist” (you mean just like my apartment, that also “doesn’t exist?”), the tech researches further, and finds out that “the roads are treacherous” (but at least they exist, or do they?) so anyway, after letting the tech know this was unacceptable, not only had i wasted a day of work, i also had NO cable/broadband to show for it, he set up another appointment for today, and told me i didn’t have to be at the apartment, they’d hook it up and i’d be good to go
i get up this morning and drive into work, an hour after i get in, charter calls up…
they need me to be at the apartment to have the cable installed…
(well, looks like my apartment exists after all, that’s good to know, i’d hate to be paying rent for a nonexistent apartment)
so i talk to the manager, get the okay to take a couple hours off work (wasting even MORE worktime) and drive back to the apartment, this time the installer shows up ontime and aside from some cabling issues (low signal strength) that he solved, the istall went well, i’m now back at work and everything is working back home now (however, we’ll see for how long, this is charter we’re dealing with after all)
charter (mis)communications, you suck and are completely incompetent, you will be getting a bill for my lost work time, lets see, 10 hours @ $87.50/hr…