More suspects sought in attack; Long Beach police have arrested 10 youths in the assault of three women at a Halloween party., Los Angeles Times, November 7, 2006 Tuesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 4, 420 words, J. Michael Kennedy, Times Staff Writer
8 youths are charged with hate crime in Long Beach, Los Angeles Times, November 23, 2006 Thursday, Home Edition, MAIN NEWS; Metro Desk; Part A; Pg. 1, 1190 words, Hector Becerra and Rong-Gong Lin II, Times Staff Writers.
Long Beach beating trial has slow start; Judge moves case to a new courtroom to accommodate the large number of defendants, attorneys and spectators., Los Angeles Times, November 29, 2006 Wednesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 837 words, Nancy Wride, Times Staff Writer.
Witness says she saw youths attack women on Halloween, Los Angeles Times, November 30, 2006 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 570 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Witness in hate crime trial errs; Woman misidentifies one of the defendants charged in an attack on three women., Los Angeles Times, December 1, 2006 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 776 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer
Victim testifies at hate crime trial; The white woman says a group of black youths beat her and two friends, yelled racial slurs., Los Angeles Times, December 2, 2006 Saturday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 741 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Punish bad acts, not bad thoughts, Los Angeles Times, December 3, 2006 Sunday, Home Edition, CURRENT; Editorial Pages Desk; Part M; Pg. 2, 980 words, Michael McGough, MICHAEL MCGOUGH is senior editorial writer for The Times.
Key witness wavers on stand; At the Long Beach hate crime trial, she now says she could not clearly see what defendants did., Los Angeles Times, December 5, 2006 Tuesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 532 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer
Witness cannot ID attackers, Los Angeles Times, December 6, 2006 Wednesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 144 words, From a Times Staff Writer.
Witness’ vehicle is rammed, police say, Los Angeles Times, December 7, 2006 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 4, 289 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
An unusual order in Long Beach hate trial; After a woman’s car is smashed, judge allows witnesses and victims to testify anonymously., Los Angeles Times, December 8, 2006 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 813 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Victim tells about attack details; Among her testimony is what one of 10 youths who allegedly assaulted her was wearing. The judge alters his ruling on anonymous witnesses., Los Angeles Times, December 9, 2006 Saturday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 584 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Two beating victims might not testify; The prosecution of 10 black youths may rest largely on the testimony of only one of the three women hurt in the Halloween attack., Los Angeles Times, December 14, 2006 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 4, 889 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Judge bars evidence in Long Beach hate crime trial; A DNA analysis that matched blood from a victim and a stain on the clothing of defendant will not be allowed, a source says., Los Angeles Times, December 15, 2006 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 7, 683 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Long Beach leaders call for healing after attack; Councilwoman Rae Gabelich suggests workshops to help the city deal with the Halloween assault on three women., Los Angeles Times, December 17, 2006 Sunday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 657 words, Deborah Schoch, Times Staff Writer.
QUESTIONS STILL SHROUD LONG BEACH ASSAULT; Black youths injured three white women. But as the trial unfolds, little else is certain., Los Angeles Times, December 19, 2006 Tuesday, Home Edition, MAIN NEWS; Metro Desk; Part A; Pg. 1, 1451 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Vowing unity, seeking to heal; Long Beach turns inward in bid to defuse tensions and complex emotions over racially charged attack., Los Angeles Times, December 20, 2006 Wednesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 1092 words, Louis Sahagun, Times Staff Writer
In Long Beach attack, witness could be key; Marice Huff testifies he saw whites being beaten on Halloween. But the defense questions his memory of the incident., Los Angeles Times, December 20, 2006 Wednesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 6, 650 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Evidence in melee case withheld, defense says; A witness in the Long Beach attack says police recorded an interview with him. That was news to defense attorneys., Los Angeles Times, December 21, 2006 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 7, 369 words, Jessica Garrison, Times Staff Writer.
Key witness in beating is pulled, Los Angeles Times, December 22, 2006 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 5, 682 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
D.A. rests hate case; A doctor testifies two of three victims were drinking on the night they were allegedly attacked by 10 black youths in Long Beach., Los Angeles Times, December 28, 2006 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 602 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Teen’s defense says hate motive is not proved; Attorney in Long Beach racial beating trial seeks to have the crime enhancement dismissed., Los Angeles Times, December 30, 2006 Saturday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 682 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Defense motions denied in attack case, Los Angeles Times, January 3, 2007 Wednesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 851 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
New charges sought in beating case; Defense attorneys ask the judge to reject an attempt by the prosecutor to file new counts in the Long Beach attack., Los Angeles Times, January 4, 2007 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 612 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Lawyers in hate case get testy; A defense attorney and a prosecutor in the trial of 10 black youths hurl accusations and shout., Los Angeles Times, January 5, 2007 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 441 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Witness didn’t see fight, says friend; Testifying for the defense, the woman says Kiana Alford couldn’t have identified the assailants in the Halloween night attack., Los Angeles Times, January 6, 2007 Saturday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 948 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
911 tape suggests black men behind Long Beach attack; A homeowner who called to report the Halloween night assault said he talked to victims., Los Angeles Times, January 9, 2007 Tuesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 731 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Defendant says he came to victims’ aid; Anthony Ross says he grabbed a skateboard from a male who was beating a white woman., Los Angeles Times, January 10, 2007 Wednesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 1, 727 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Defendant stays calm in hate-crime case; One of the 10 accused in the Long Beach beating trial thwarts the best efforts of the prosecutor, who sought to establish a Crips gang connection., Los Angeles Times, January 11, 2007 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 3, 762 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Long Beach hate-trial lawyers rest their cases, Los Angeles Times, January 12, 2007 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 5, 538 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
KEY TACTIC IN HATE-CRIME CASE ASSAILED; Long Beach trial turns largely on an ID method that experts say is inherently fallible and rarely used in isolation., Los Angeles Times, January 17, 2007 Wednesday, Home Edition, MAIN NEWS; Metro Desk; Part A; Pg. 1, 1444 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Hate-crime case witnesses called heroes; In closing arguments, the prosecutor lauds one for breaking up the Halloween attack. Two defense attorneys also present summations., Los Angeles Times, January 18, 2007 Thursday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 6, 861 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Defense in hate case criticizes ID process, Los Angeles Times, January 19, 2007 Friday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 8, 553 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Lying alleged in hate crime trial; Defense attacks a victim and a witness, urging judge to have a ‘backbone of steel.’, Los Angeles Times, January 20, 2007 Saturday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 11, 300 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer.
Parents say their children innocent in Long Beach assault case; About 100 people attend a forum held to give the adults a voice and gather support for the youths accused of beating three in a racial attack., Los Angeles Times, January 21, 2007 Sunday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 4, 584 words, Rong-Gong Lin II, Times Staff Writer.
Judge receives hate-crime case; Victims discuss intense reactions to trial and the attack. A verdict is expected Friday., Los Angeles Times, January 23, 2007 Tuesday, Home Edition, CALIFORNIA; Metro; Metro Desk; Part B; Pg. 4, 627 words, Joe Mozingo, Times Staff Writer