I pit DrDeth

As far as his father goes, I think what these people say sums it up.

For the record, my intention was to poke fun of DD and his portrayal of his father’s service, as was recounted in many threads until the inconsistencies were pointed out.

Good god, I hope this is my final post and he’ll indeed let it go.

Warning! The following is all TLDR territory. If history isn’t your thing, you can scroll right past it. . . Nothing here for you

DD is claiming that I am claiming that (did I get that right?) no one other than MacArthur, et al, escaped. He then found a cite online which shows that US FEAF personnel were transferred from Mindanao, some 600 miles away, so this proves I’m lying! Great catch! Great cite!!! And he’s going on and on about it, repeating this many times.

Except I never said that. So that cite proves nothing.

His claim now is that his father was attached to the US Far East Air Force (FEAF) after he joined the Army on or after December 8th rather than GHQ. He then was sent to Mindanao (or arrived there in the first place) while it was still safe and then evacuated along with everyone else there.

This is new information which seems to a way to allow his father to leave the Philippines. It’s problematic in that it was never mentioned before and seemingly contradicts earlier accounts.

On several occasions, DD claimed that his father was recalled to GHQ. I quoted one earlier.

(bolding mine)

Here is another from the most recent GD thread.

My bolding

I’m sure there will be some sort of explanation why “back into HQ” doesn’t mean “back into” and why I’m an asshole for quoting him.

If the father was in Mindanao then transferred to Australia along with the other members of FEAF, he would never have been in danger of being part of the Bataan Death March. Why would he? He would have already been in Australia. Catching malaria or not would have made any difference. The Bataan Death March was for prisoners from Corregidor and Bataan and not for FEAF personnel in Australia. They were already gone when the US surrendered. Malaria didn’t save him, his assignment to FEAF did.