I pit DrDeth

OK, everything so far, including the questionable service record, the conflicting accounts, the conspiracy theories, etc. are part of what let’s call The Little Lies.

With a heavy heart and profound personal sadness, we must now address a far more serious affair: The Big Lie.

I have to admit that I have been hesitant to bring attention to The Big Lie but untruths must be uncovered, regardless of any potential embarrassments or personal costs to any of participants. Fuck it! Let’s get the ugly truth out and let the chips fall where they may!

Sigh. I really didn’t want to do this, and I have been holding back as it could have disturbed the sensitive nature of @Left_Hand_of_Dorkness . Hopefully, he will have figured out how to turn off the notifications or developed the will power to simply ignore something he hates and will not again be subjected to yet another factfinding tour of previous threads.

This is yet the most hideous example of a clear exaggeration but while DD has steadfastly refused to acknowledge any error so far, all the while furiously backpedaling on The Small Lies, for some reason, I think he will have no problem completely disavowing authorship of The Big Lie and will likely come and actually join with me, hand-in-hand to refute the details.

First, though, before we uncover The Big Lie, let’s go back and quote DD.

So DD says that I’m making up shit about his father because I’m a sore loser after he’s schooled me in the past. That’s it’s a personal vendetta.

As much as the idea seems romantic and melodramatic, sadly, this is yet another case where a current statement is in direct conflict with a previous statement.

Here is, what I’m sure he will now call The Big Lie; In a post dated March 21, 2021 on the latest WWII thread about the Pacific War, DD made a bold claim, one I’m sure will cause him tremendous embarrassment now.

As bad as exposing the inconsistencies in his statements made concerning his father’s service record, showing this post will undoubtedly be much more unpleasant for him. But, the truth is the truth so let’s rip off the Band-Aid.

Oops. I’m certain that he regrets posting the The Big Lie and it’s certain that this is one statement which he will walk back immediately and denounce.

As to its accuracy? Who knows? I am a WWII Pacific War enthusiast, as anyone can tell, and have an inconvenient habit of doing my research. However, if his assessment is true, it’s simply because several very well informed posters have gone MIA, for which they are sorely missed.

So DD’s statement that the reason I attacked DD’s claims is because I was proven wrong by DD is contradicted by DD’s statement concerning the nature of our previous disagreements.

Pretty ugly isn’t it?

I do feel for his potential embarrassment, and will offer several face-saving excuses.

  1. That post was made under the influence of Ambien.

  2. His account was hacked and a Russian bot posted that statement.

  3. I have naked photos of his father in bed with Cleopatra as they discovered the New World together (hubba hubba) prior to Columbus and was blackmailing him into saying nice things about me.

Any further suggestions may be appreciated.

Isn’t it a SDMB requirement that anyone who flounces away publicly must always return to make additional huffy points?