I pit DrDeth

In your case it is much more pity.

What is it that when a fuckin jackass is pitted, all the other fuckin jackasses get all jealous, and have to dive in trying to out-do each other like this is a fuckin jackass competition?

Do you want a medal?

A nice shiny participation medal for ALSO being a fuckin jackass?

Happy now?

Have you even once added anything remotely of substance to a conversation here? No really, think about it. Your zingers would have a lot more impact if you were more than a rather dour clown.

Again: ignoring CarnalK will make this thread, and your life, and the universe, better.

Well, no wonder you’d pity me. After all, you are a retired nurse, former paralegal and 70 something. How could I match you? Also, I seem to remember you mentioned once or twice your son is a doctor.

I’m curious though, I know your avatar is you as an 8 yr old. Has your expression ever changed since that pic was taken? I imagine not.

You’re more than welcome to read all of my fifteen-plus years of posts and find out for yourself.
BTW, The answer is clearly yes, your board participation on the other hand…

I guess you used up all the good stuff the years before I joined. More reason to pity me, I suppose.

Among those reasons, it is the least.

I would tell you to try to at least be funny but I know you already are, bless your heart.

This better?

@discobot stop hitting yourself.

:crystal_ball: Ask again later

Yeesh. What a maroon!

You could learn from ASL. He’s clearly dumber than you but his farcical attempts to announce he’s ignoring me have a loveable idiot quality about them. You act like you’re slumming but awesome at it anyway, when you’re not.

You shouldn’t think so little of yourself. Self esteem is important!
Here, have another medal!

Don’t ever change, dour clown.

Because you are someone!

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. — Franklin Roosevelt