I pit DrDeth

Nah, it’s not stupid, to me. The point was even though DD is swords and magic, it was inspired by World Wars. So, if you love DD, it’s not crazy to think you might care about the inspiration material.

I love D’nD, but I could not give two shits for WWI and only mildly care about WWII, and not the military history part of it at all.

And I’m not as hot on Tolkien as I was 20 years ago, either, to put it very mildly.

Not saying it’s crazy to think any D’nD player would care, but it is a bit of a projection to think everyone gives a shit about origins of things. That way lies the Star Wars Prequels. To quote Patton Oswald: " I don’t give a shit where the stuff I love comes from! I JUST LOVE THE STUFF I LOVE !"

I’m a little surprised that he didn’t try claiming to have met Dr. Seuss.

I served with the Lorax. I knew the Lorax. The Lorax was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no Lorax

OMG. It’s not TokyoBaker??? I’m so embarrassed. I’ve been reading it as “Baker” all these years?

Kinda where I am–military history isn’t my jam. Anyway, in my current campaign, the major villains are basically cultural imperialism* and the military/prison/industrial complex**, so my inspiration is less “history” and more “current events”.

*(in the form of swarms of telepathic parasitic aquatic worms that want to mind-control the surface world)

**(local small-time smugglers sentenced to slave labor in mines that are fueling military airships)

Sure, that’s reasonable too. I was just pushing back on the idea that question was fundamentally stupid.

I’m 37.5% Lorax actually. I sometimes speak for the trees.

I always assumed it had something to do with pain medicine, but maybe it has something to do with
“bay” as in a body of water. There is a Tokyo Bay after all.

You speak for the bushes and shrubs.

DO YOU AGREE people can have different reasons for trashing Dr. Deth? I was making an attempt (which failed spectacularly) to guide LHoD to the reason TB and I had a beef with DrD. It didn’t get through to him. He didn’t identify with it. Fine. I realize now it was wasted effort. Happy?

But kindly note: when I pointed out to DrD that he said his dad was both enlisted and a civilian at the same time, he left the thread quietly. I would think LHoD would count that as a victory for the thread he created. But he doesn’t, because the way I did it was too boring and got on his nerves. He then petulantly announces he’s leaving the thread several times and he’s still here. W in T F? Why is he being such a ninny pants?

…of course they can.

But do those reason have to be so fucking boring and pedantic?

He’s actually kind of explained all of this in an MPSIMS thread.

Long story short, I started off as “TokyoPlayer” because I was on another forum, but as anyone reading the thread so far realizes I’m far too tedious to be a player. Hence, the change to the current name. And it was for Tokyo Bay, one of my favorite places, connected to Japanese history.

I did not say that. He arrived as a civilian and was sworn in on the same day. You just have no reading comprehension.

However, TokyoBayers feeble and false attempt to prove my Dad could not have been in the Philippines has no bearing and does not make any difference at all. What he is really angry about is that sometime I use cites that prove his bullshit wrong. And yes, he considers my Dads weird scuttlebutt theory to be crazy. Which of course it may be, but since no one has ever come up with the actual answer, we will never know.

Somehow Gen. MacArthur got caught with his pants down, when he had quite a few hours warning. And then, instead of being punished (like Kimmel and Short were) he was rewarded. Why were they punished and he rewarded? No one has a good explanation. Now TokyoBayer does not like my Dads scuttlebutt theory and that is fine- most historians would agree- most have their own pet theories. But that is no reason for his desperate bullshit attempt to prove my Dad guilty of 'stolen valor"- which I have disproved with actual cites and facts, not just bullshit.

Even if my father did not arrive in the Philippines until they were re-taken by the Army- it does not matter, really does it? TokyoBayer hates my cites because they disprove his bullshit and hates that scuttlebutt theory. And that last is perfectly fine, but now I proved his bullshit and no one will take him seriously again.

As for meeting Gygax at a Con- have you idiots ever even went to a convention? Of course at gaming cons you meet game designers, and of course at SF cons you meet SF writers- I have met plenty of them. Meeting a game designer at a game con is by no means a unusual claim.

as Left_Hand_of_Dorkness says "

And this is true. But made up bullshit, said really convincingly as TokyoBayer does- seemingly has large persuasive value, even when conclusively disproven with actual facts and cites. That is sad.

However, small persuasive value or not, personal anecdotes make the SDMB a more interesting place to read, many people love to post nothing but personal anecdotes- and I enjoy them, even if I do take them with a grain of salt. I do not go on and on and on with 8 long boring paragraphs trying to prove someones personal anecdote is true or not- I read it, enjoy it and move on.TokyoBayer’s weird obsession to disprove a minor meaningless personal anecdote is both a sign of a mental issue and also full out internet harassment. So what if my dad heard and liked a scuttlebutt rumor? Start a GD thread on WHY MacArthur did what he did. And if I post my dads theory as fact- fell free to dismantle it. That’s what we do here.

TokyoBayer- believe it or nuts, as the saying goes. But stop the harassment, you are just making yourself look silly, and proving your posts are based 100% on rather believable bullshit.

Ok, that’s fine, drop it.

I don’t have a dog in this race, but I find that @TokyoBayer comes across as more believable and likable in this situation. Of course, both are belaboring the point and pummeling the deceased equine, as it were. I doubt very seriously that, were they alive, even McArthur and @DrDeth’s father would still be talking about this.

He does. Bullshit is often more believable than the truth. But I proved him wrong with actual cites.

And see TokyoBayer, you do not have to get angry at me when I prove you wrong with actual cites- people prefer your bullshit.

As was explained upthread, your cites don’t say exactly what you claim they do. So it’s difficult to establish exactly who the one full of shit is.

But I don’t care enough to recreate the argument, and I’ve already involved myself more than I intended, so I’m out.

This is some classic comedy.