I pit General Casey's political correctness

On This Week with George, General Casey said that a negative impact on diversity would be more tragic than the Ft. Hood massacre.

Bull fucking shit!! Tell that to the familys.

I can’t believe a smart military guy would say something like that so I actually feel sorry for the guy and his place in the politically correct environment he has to occupy.

To the OP, WTF does your OP even mean? What was the context? What was he arguing for or against? A link to a story with his quote just might be helpful.

Wait, what he said was politically correct?
I thought being forced to say the families were the most important thing here, and the children, mustn’t forget the children.
Seems to me that some accusations of PCness are nothing more than a lame excuse to bitch.

I’m wondering if the OP believes we don’t need (want?) Muslims in the military.

Presuming this is the object of the OP’s rather incoherent rant: yes, I could see a case for the potential impact on diversity (by banning thousands of muslims, and any relevant job skills they may have, from the US military) being more significant than the deaths of 13 people.

OTOH, if the General in question is indeed censoring his speech due to political correctness’, who, precisely is he worried about offending, and why?

Just a hypothetical question, here: would it serve any useful purpose for a high-ranking officer in the US military to announce that every single (male?) muslim in the United States, including those now serving in the military, is under suspicion of terrorism until they demonstrate otherwise?

But maybe the OP is actually arguing a different point. We’ll see, I guess.

The OP is arguing inarticulately. His point, if he has one, may be that he expects a “smart military guy” not to hand out any “bull fucking shit” that is beyond the OP’s level of comprehension.

“PC” is very often a code word for people who are not given to understanding those different from themselves. Often they think such understanding is a time-wasting, head-up-the-ass project dreamed up by pressure groups with nothing better to do. In extreme cases, they see it as a plot to undermine the status quo, which ought to be good enough for anybody with “a little” attitude adjustment.

The entire interview is a little over seven minutes long. This particular quote is at 2:30 and is part of a larger discussion (starting at about 3:12) revolving around the fact that there are only 3,000 Muslims in the army. Way to cherry pick, OP.

The OP is clear as mud. Perhaps he’s taking his own screen name too literally.

I figured he meant that making public the fact that the shooter was a psychiatrist would prejudice folks against psychiatrists :wink:

Casey: “Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse”


The OP is spot on. What a stupid fucking comment by Casey. At least he recognizes the “diversity” connection. “Diversity” is the reason this asshole Hasan was allowed to stay in the Army despite numerous warning signs that he didn’t belong there. I don’t want to hear this whining about him being called a camel jockey. The guy was griping about his deployment, criticizing the government’s policies towards Muslim countries, becoming increasingly orthodox and extreme in his religion, and getting in trouble for not treating his patients well. The fact that he was kept on duty despite all that speaks volumes about the actual atmosphere in the Army. There was a little too much tolerance here. The guy needed to be discharged so he could go back to Virginia or wherever and write crackpot politico-religious screeds, get a burqa-covered wife and beat her for driving to the store, and send money to Hezbollah. Would a typical Muslim argue any differently? Wouldn’t a typical, law-abiding Muslim say: Get that guy out of there before he does something stupid and brings shame on our religion?

If “diversity” suffers because of these shootings, it’s the Army’s own fucking fault for letting this happen. It is a completely rational response to become suspicious of Muslims because of this incident - not because all Muslims are violent radicals, but because the Army can’t, or won’t, weed out the ones who are. The politically correct are always the ones saying not to judge a whole population based on the actions of an extreme few. Fair enough - but if you have the opportunity to get rid of those extreme few and choose not to, don’t be surprised if it foments intolerance.

There is a small but loudmouthed part of the population that immediately attaches the most sinister possible motives to everything they don’t like, but insists on treating shit like the Ft. Hood shootings as some kind of unexplainable natural phenomenon, as if those soldiers were killed by a meteorite or something.

If some of the comments I heard yesterday bear out, it wasn’t so much a failure of diversity as of common sense; the guy did everything but erect a neon sign announcing that he was a potentially dangerous misfit.

It’s not just Muslims that are the problem, it’s also the women and the gay people. Hell, we wouldn’t have won WWII if we had let Japs fight. How could we have trusted them? Luckily we had enough real, white Americans that spoke Japanese so it never became an issue. Can you imagine what would happen if we let everyone in the military? We’d have native Americans babbling in their own freakin’ language, we’d have Catholics and Jews that demanded their own chaplains, we’d have to stock Tampax at the PX.

There is a larger context here. Our enemies make great rhetorical and recruiting hay out of the notion that America is at war with Islam. There exists a strident and vocal… nay, hysterical… segment of our population who agree and approve, who would like nothing better than for this slander to be truth. Every time one of these shit-for-brains pops off about holy war against Islam, our job gets that much tougher.

I’ve heard that the are actually issued. Tampons as well, sized up to 9mm for female soldiers of the highest caliber.

Like hell. See below.

Like hell. What there was, was a little too much classic military bureaucracy.

When you don’t take necessary steps like this, it’s because of command policy, or because the service has too much invested in a particular member or class of members, or because if you can’t prove the guy is a loose cannon, you bring the unit, corps, or service into disrepute, and that will cost you your ass. This is a fundamental, but likely unavoidable, flaw in militaries. Unit cohesion demands the mind set that leads to this flaw.

Military-minded people, being both proud and mission-focused by nature, do not like it discussed because it is likely unavoidable, and doing anything about it would only be civilian-style messing with military effectiveness. Far better to take a few losses, and perhaps some morale damage, that the chain of command itself is not directly to blame for. Cold, but the job is cold sometimes.

It shows much more loyalty - another important quality in military minds - to blame civilian policies imposed on the military. In this case, to pretend that “diversity” is the real problem, as if it were effectively being implemented. (In reality, they don’t give a damn if it is or not. Just having it on the table is too much.)

May I presume from the above that you have no concern about the possibility of non-Muslim violent radicals in the armed forces? If so - your rationale, please?

I wonder if the OP is OK with Birthers being kicked out of the military because they are batshit crazy and deny the chain of command? Hell, at this point, maybe we should ban all Republican Southerners.

No, I think a lack of mental health professionals was the reason he was allowed to stay in the Army.

These two mean different things.


Timothy McVeigh
William Kreutzer Jr.
[url=]John M. Russel

All non-Muslim dudes.

There was likely an element of simple distrust involved, like this guy waits until he gets a million bucks worth of training, gets some orders and decides he’d be happier as a civilian, now that he has the credentials to make civilian life more attractive. “Thanks for the MD degree, I’ll be toddling along now…”

This guy went nuts. Whether he went nuts and believed he was killing for Jesus, or went nuts and believed he was killing for Allah is of minor consequence, nuts is nuts. There is little to be gained by examining insanity from a rational perspective.

Ironic that this morning the daughter of a DoD civilian slain in the shooting was on CNN this morning and appealed to the rest of us to not blame all muslims or islam in particular for the actions of ***one disturbed man. ***

Guess the OP watches Fox News instead.

Many people join the military for that reason. The difference being many join, get the training they want and serve out their enlistment/commission knowing that they may have to do a few things they’d rather not until they get out.

I think he just went batshit, too, Elucidator. I’m not believing that he faced insults and all that too much. He was a major, so its not like anyone from E-1 to 0-3 was smarting off to him. And EO will certainly be up your ass if you’re a commander and they recieve a complaint from one of your soldiers.