I pit General Casey's political correctness

Care to provide a link to the stories that say he was actively trying to contact al-Qaeda?

I don’t understand why you think that’s bullshit. Explain, please? I don’t want to speculate so I’d prefer it if you spelled it out for me.

New stories say you smell faintly of fish and sleep with your sister on a regular basis (although, then again, who doesn’t?)

“Political correctness” is a made up, non-existent, meaningless, bullshit concept contrived as a weaselly way to try to invalidate critiques of bigotry.

Yes, legitimizing racial/religious discrimination in the military would, in the long run, be an outcome worse than one freak event precipitated by psychosis that could occur in anyone of any race or religion. Christians go nuts and kill people all the time and no one says shit. One Muslim does it, and everybody’s like ZOMG MUSLIMS ARE GONNA GET US!!!

Crawl out from under the table, son. You’re going to be fine. Crazy happens when it happens. It doesn’t discriminate. Guys like this are basically just natural disasters like earthquakes or hurricanes. There’s nothing anyone, including the nutcases themselves, can do to stop it.

Bolded for emphasis.

Based on what I’ve read on other boards, this you’re absolutely right. The bullshit started as soon as people found out the shooter had a middle eastern sounding name. It didn’t come from the media, it come from people posting on message boards. I’m sure the media, like Fox (Og I hate those cocksuckers) had a big hand in spreading it though.

Apropos of nothing perhaps, but I found it utterly disturbing how fast people wanted to jump to the conclusion that the shootings were motivated by religious beliefs. I read something, maybe it was here, that if this were a white guy with a American sounding name, most people would have just thought it was a crazy guy. But give the guy a Muslim name and by golly, he just must be one of them eye-slam-ic turrists. And the fucking broad strokes people wanted to paint all Muslims with was positively infuriating.

In the end, maybe it will turn out that he really was a terrorist. I don’t know. But I know all of the facts aren’t in and they certainly weren’t an hour after the shootings.

Non-Muslim soldiers bitch about the military and get bad evaluations all the time, by the way. I did both. There was nothing so extraordinary about what this dude did that would have attracted particular attention. I knew guys that were telling Navy doctors about having hallucinations and hearing voices having trouble getting the Navy to care. It’s not “political correctness,” it’s normal military inertia.

Balls, for the following reasons: 1) your apparent assumption that the military deliberately ignored Hasan’s deteriorating mental state out of ‘political correctness’ appears to be pure speculation and is unsupported by any facts known to the public at this point. Straw man. 2) No one that I can see in this thread has called anyone racist. Certainly I, as flaming liberal as they come, haven’t. Straw man.

Mostly, he got jumped on for writing an incoherent OP. I must point out you are not exactly doing a sterling job on the coherence front yourself.

TBH, you’d have to be blindingly stupid or willfully ignorant to think that Hasan’s situation was ignored because of PC.

There’s no such thing as “PC.”

For instance, the “Oathkeepers.”

Wikipedia has a couple useful and interesting pages on spree killers and mass murderers.

There sure have been a lot of them. One guy did it with a shotgun and swords.

Not much information there about which of them were crazy religious extremists.

Good one. I make a relevent point. And yes, it is in the news, look it up you lazy shit.

All you come back with are lame family jokes?

You dignified liberal you. You showed me!

You’re a bit late. Political correctness became a left-of-center-only phenomenon after the right framed it successfully. The meaning has now changed more or less permanently to mean a sort of enforced kum ba yah secular humanism.

The guy says at a conference that non-Muslims should be beheaded (after having boiling oil poured down their throats). He hands out Korans a few hours before killing soldiers. He says the war against terrorism is a war against Islam.

Based on this, religion had NOTHING to do with his actions. Nothing. Anyone who says they did is RACIST.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. Do you get more points on how willfully you can ignore reality?

Religion had NOTHING to do with the guy who shot the abortionist either.

Religion probably had nothing to do with most of them. Therefore it CAN’T have anything to do with this one. Liberal logic for ya.

Why would you have to be either? His superiors didn’t want to accuse a Muslim of anything, lest they be considered racist. Doesn’t sound too far-fetched to me.

I’m not making any idiotic assertions. Why the fuck should I look it up, you stupid shit?

Religion had nothing to do with it. Crazy had everything to do with it. The fact that the crazy expressed itself as religious mania is a normal, and unremarkable part of mental illness.

This is exactly the kind of idiotic, sloppy thinking I’m talking about.

Christians, or people who nominally are, kill people. But do they do it because of their religion? Or in spite of it? Do they go around telling people that “God commands me to kill”? If so, they’d probably get locked up.

This guy did everything but carry a sign saying he was a time bomb and it was ignored. So IT ISN’T LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE AT ALL. Only a goddamn fool would say that. Earthquakes can’t be predicted, this could have been. And it has nothing to do with “OMG Muslims will get us”, which is your shorthand for ridiculing ignorant/xenophoic people. THIS PARTICULAR MUSLIM could have been stopped, but wasn’t. That’s the problem.

And yes, it’s policitical correctness. Anyone who complains would get shouted down by self-righteous pricks like you who would denounce them as racists and pat themselves on the back. It doesn’t matter how many times the complainers couch themselves in “I’m not against Muslims but…”, or “I know 99%+ of Muslims are nice people but there’s this guy who’s going around saying non-Muslims should be beheaded…not sure if should be counseling our soldiers”, idiots like you can’t wait to jump down their throats and denounce them as racists.

Here you go douche bag.

Yes, anyone who could possibly say anything negative about this poor opressed Muslim is not believable.