Can we give the “why haven’t the liberals/conservatives/vegetarians/meat-eaters/atheists/god-botherers condemned X when they condemned Y” posts a rest?
Well it can show their ideology is self serving, and inconsistent. Take the statement “X is wrong!”. If they do things that could be considered X is it wrong to point that out?
I’d settle for having it so that “inconsistent” or “contradictory” or “falling short of your own standard” stopped being mislabeled as “hypocritical”. The first three are perfectly good accusations to make against the person or argument that incurs in them w/o reaching for the more morally censorious descriptor.
Only a person whose personal societal and political ideals are currently being met would make such a statement. Essentially saying that your people are in power and your views are being serviced, so stop all the criticism already.
I’m sure that you will also agree in the future, after the winds change as they always do, that you agree to keep your mouth shut then.
Nice try, no cigar.
Criticism pushes policy into the light where it needs to be examined. Be it liberals/conservatives/vegetarians/meat-eaters/atheists/god-botherers, their chains need to be continually yanked.