I pit KGO host Christine Craft

On my way to and from work here in the lovely bay area, I often listen to talk radio on KGO 810, a generally-left-leaning station. One of their fill-in hosts is a woman named Christine Craft, who is ardently pro-Hillary and (one assumes due to her pro-Hillaryness) anti-Obama. Today she was talking about an incident in which Obama called a female reported “sweetie”. Now, I think that’s an inappropriate thing for Obama to have said, but Christine Craft made the following points:
(1) What if a white presidential candidate called a black reporter (n-word)?
(2) It’s misogynistic
(3) The only reason people want Hillary to drop out of the race now is because she’s a woman. If she were a man in the same situation, no one would be calling for her to withdraw. Oh, and it’s a very very very close race
(4) Clinton 41-point victory over Obama in West Virginia was huge. 41 points. A 41 point victory. She beat him by 41 points.
(5) Apparently Obama, discussing the “sweetie” incident, claimed that he calls everyone that. Christine Craft asks whether he calls male secret service agents “sweetie”. No? Pretty glaring contradiction she just caught him in, isn’t it?
(6) Someone who would call a woman “sweetie” is (and she repeated this phrase repatedly) “not ready for prime time”. Funny, I’d say Obama is the most prime time figure in American politics in decades

Oh, and a few weeks back, she was the first person I heard do the funny math which turned a 9.2% victory into double digits. And she managed to do it in a condescending fashion, repeatedly using phrases like “remember how we learned back in grade school?”.

I’m sure there are plenty of reasonable reasons to prefer Clinton over Obama. But I heard none of them. It’s also entirely possible that there are legitimate reasons for Cilnton to remain in the race. But I heard none of them (other than “letting each state have its say”… as if saying Clinton should drop out is some kind of disenfranchisement).
Christine Craft: Blow me.

You mean, “Blow me, sweetie,” right? :wink:

Heck, that’s nothing. 9.2% = 9.20% which is a TRIPLE DIGIT victory! OMG!

Sounds like she’s scrambling for stuff to get outraged about. Equating what Obama said to calling a black person a “nigger” is pretty ludicrous. If he’d called her a “cunt” then Mrs. Craft would have a valid comparison. “Sweetie” was inappropriate and kinda patronizing (to his credit, Obama did apologize) but it’s not a vicious insult.

And it was a real apology, too. No weaseling.

From The Washington Post

It’s all Bernie Ward’s fault. She’s on the air more often since he got busted by the Feds. She’s on the short list to take over his slot.

Holy Shit! She’s famous. (I thought I knew her name).


Won a $500,000 lawsuit against the media. Smart cookie.

Oops! Probably shouldn’t have referred to her as a “cookie.” :slight_smile:

But, yeah, her talking points sounded kind of stupid.

Thanks for finding that. Her name sounded familiar.

According to the linked article the verdict was thrown out, though. Then she won again, and it was thrown out again. It doesn’t say why, but it doesn’t appear she ended up with anything.

As to the “Sweetie Gate” scandal. I’ve made that mistake myself. I call my daughters “Sweetie,” and “sugar” and the like and sometimes I accidentally call other people that. I think it happens to anybody with kids.

You’re correct. I guess I read too fast. Or maybe it got thrown out once too often. :slight_smile:

I would so vote for him if that was what he had done. Hell, I would even go out and knock on doors for his campaign.

“Senator, could I ask you a question?”
“Shut your pie hole, cunt. I’m busy.”

I would die from a roflolgasm.

Inappropriate? Probably. Misogynistic? I’m not so sure on that front. I’ve never think of sexism whenever female wait staff at a restaurant refers to me as “sweetie.” Still, I’m glad he issued a sincere apology.

Craft sounds like a moron on many fronts.

I’m a guy and ever since my hair turned gray, it’s sweetie this and honey that except when it’s sugar or darlin’ or baby. Sometimes it offends me but what the hell, it’s relatively common in these parts. It don’t mean nothin.

The only reason I and many of my friends stopped backing hilary is because of her track record of involvement with white collar crime and dirty money. I would love to see a woman president, Christine Craft maybe, or any other woman that supports the people like Bernie Sanders and not big money interests

Well, that was timely.

chuckle…I know the feeling but i soon learned to capitalize on it. Aint nothing wrong with allowing some nice younger lady to offer the old codger a helping hand if you know what i mean.
Don’t mean nothing; The term brings back memories of Vietnam.

You have replied to a 7 year old thread (AKA “a zombie”).

Yeah but Hillary is still an evil politician so it’s ok to bump it.

How did that election turn out, anyway?

Be sure to use spoiler tags. Don’t want it ruined for me.

Hillary won.

Go on, report me. I dare you. I double-dog dare you!