I’m a liberal, sometimes I call myself a Democrat and sometimes independent, and I hope HRC is off in a corner trying to wash out the taste of bile in her throat. She’s been riding Bill’s coattails for years, even when they had semen stains.
I’m so sick of hearing about her “experience”. It doesn’t exist. People don’t get to fly planes because their husbands were pilots. Her accomplishments as First Lady: The Zoe Baird nomination. The health care proposal that couldn’t even get to a vote in a friendly Congress. During months of Bill’s administration she wasn’t even speaking to him, let alone making any decisions. She represents the old guard which is being drummed out.
I just hate it when she tries to claim he has no experience and uses her First Lady years as examples of having it. Yeah, I guess teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago (ooo, maybe we’ll have a president who understands it!), elected as an Illinois State Senator in 1996, 2000, and 2002, and elected for the US Senate in 2004 means he has no experience. Meanwhile she got elected to the US Senate in 2000.
(The word “elected” starts losing its meaning when I use it so many times in a row; I hope it really does make sense here!)
I’m not a huge Hillary fan, and I will likely be voting for Edwards in the Ohio primary, but honestly, right now, I’ll vote for any of the 3 dems in the general election.
Oh please, oh please, oh please lose the primary, Hil. Especially to Barak.
I’m beginning to believe. If Iowans can vote for a black man then maybe-- just maybe-- this country is ready to vote for a candidate’s platform and not his skin color. Maybe.
As I said in the Iowa thread on GD, this whole situation has brought up so many mixed feelings. Right now, I’m not certain about the electability of ANY leading Democratic candidate. If matched up against certain Republican candidates (e.g. NOT Huckabee and a few others), I can see strong arguments against ANY of the three Democrats winning.
In short, I definitely sympathize with the sentiments here. OTOH, I’m not sure if Obama has any shot of winning the general election. OTOOH, I’m not 100% of Hillary’s or Edwards’ chances, either. OTOOOH, that would depend greatly on who the Republicans choose, and THAT race is even a bigger clusterfuck than the Democrats’…
Gosh, how many hands do you have? I think the more people hear about Obama’s record of public service they’ll warm up to him even more than they are now. What experience did Bill Clinton have on foreign policy in 1992? None, but he was an effective president. It was a roll of the dice in 1992 and we came out ahead. Time to roll them again with someone that can involve the youth of America and appears in many ways to be the second coming of RFK. For the first time since 2000, I felt proud of an election result and believe that there is hope for the US.
Hillary Clinton, to me, always seems to project a combination of pandering and a sense of entitlement. I’d love to see a female president – but not her.
I like both Obama and Edwards, and could vote for either one. Is it too early to speculate about a campaign with Obama head-to-head against Huckabee? Huckabee kinda scares me. He comes across as really likeable and reasonable; how many people vote on that, without even reading the platform?
I still think Richardson is the best man for the job, but Obama is a fantastic orator. I really think Clinton is too divisive and would not be good for the country.
Of course, how bad would it be if a Republican got handed the steaming bag of shit that will be coming due in the next couple of years?
Honestly? I secretly hope to see a Republican reap the fruit of GWB’s labor.
But- if it takes a generation to recover from GWB’s missteps, would you really want to grant the GOP a generation of power? There’s too much at stake here. We need to change horses (bring in the bay horse, not the nag) and get moving in a new direction.
The speech was amazing- no index cards, no teleprompter- either he memorized the whole thing or did it off the cuff- very impressive either way- Dubya must be seething when he sees something like that.
I’m honestly pleasantly shocked- I actually thought in a state like Iowa, the best he should hope for would be third, but maybe the country has changed. Granted one state doesn’t equal the nomination and definitely not the Presidency, but still a huge step. I think The Republican candidate not being a Bush man could cause problems.
Pompous ass George Will actually had a good point- the biggest losers last night were Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
I am glad to see the generational torch passed in the Democratic Party. I am really tired of baby boomer politicians, and I don’t think I’m alone. Obama crushed Hillary among voters under 30.
Amen on both points. I think Obama (should he get the nomination) would easily defeat Romney or Giuliani. If the Republicans nominate Huckabee or McCain, it could be dicey. Folks on this board tend to discount Huckabee because of the Baptist preacher thing and his professed belief in creationism. But you know, 55% of Americans do not believe humans are the result of evolution.
Charmers do well in presidential politics, and Huckabee is a charmer. As a Democrat, I sure hope the Old Guard Republicans find a way to stop the Huckster.
Good for Obama, but I still don’t understand so much hate for Hillary from both sides of the political spectrum. I am leaning towards one of the two at this point. I am still trying to make up my mind as this is a recent abandonment of Rudy & McCain.
I am amazed & heartened by Obama pulling off a solid victory in a 95% white state like Iowa. If he can pull of South Carolina, I will really believe he can win the whole thing.