I Pit LHOD and his thread re: AA in schools

This thread: Affirmative action in the schools? - Great Debates - Straight Dope Message Board

LHOD gets all weepy over the plight of “these black boys” (i.e., poor black school age males) because they don’t have any black male role models. Apparently having one/some/many (he never really says) black male teacher(s) at school would remedy the problem, creating a better life for “these black boys.” Why? Because LHOD says so. What makes him believe that? Not any evidence he’s read. It’s just something he believes. That belief suits his prejudices.

I’m a white male. I can’t think of a single person in my life growing up who I would consider a “role model.” I’m sure that no one in my life when I was growing up made even half of what I make now (in inflation-adjusted dollars). How the hell was I able to achieve what I’ve achieved given my significant lack of role models? Oh yeah, these kids are black, so we can’t hold them responsible for their actions. “These black boys” need the government to help them every step of the way. Its Jim Crow all over again.

Short version is that LHOD needs more to justify racially discriminatory hiring practices than just his vague and unsupported feeling that “these black boys” would be better off with some black male teachers around. But LHOD isn’t interested.

Aren’t you just the cutest lil whiner ever! Here, chew on a copy of Atlas Shrugged.

I think that that explains a lot.

And does this supposed discrimination drives the kids to drink? :confused:

Dude, I suggest you ask that the thread title be changed to reflect what you are complaining about. If several kids need to go to AA, it’s nice that the school provides it.

I’ve seen you wave around your fiscal penis in the past, and it always makes me smile. Income: the true measure of a man’s worth! In US dollars.

The obvious answer to your question is that you are an übermensch, possessing the fortitude and will (Barack Obama attacks Rand Rover with Stimulus Package, Rand Rover makes saving throw) to persevere in a cold world, where other, lesser men fail. Safety net? You don’t need a damn safety net! You got yours! I mean this is what you want to hear, right?

Oh and directly on point from here.

Yes, but you’re a sociopath. You’re kind of a special case.

Never met your Hugh Akston, did you?

Hell Rand, you spend more on hemorrhoid cream for your pet hamster than most teachers make in a year. Anyway, if these little bastards want role models so bad, let them pay to go to a private school. Right? Am I right?

It’s a nefarious conspiracy devised by the malt liquor conglomerates.

I honestly can’t figure out why you post here. You never miss an opportunity to exclaim just how stupid and worthless you believe everyone around you to be. It must be so tedious, existing among such peasants.

The only thing you have conclusively demonstrated is your ability to access the internet.

Every president and world leader you learned about in school, save maybe Ghengis Kahn, was white. Jesus was white (according to American culture.) Most of your teachers were white. Most of the people you saw on tv growing up were white. You learned about wars where white people fought white people. You learned about things white people invented, and the white people who invented them. It’s probably safe to say that every scientist you learned about was white, unless you happened to have studied GWC. Certainly every philosopher was, if you studied any in grade school. It’s the default. Of course you didn’t notice it. You’re white too. What you probably never thought of was that all the black kids were learning the exact same thing you were: the history of the white world as told by a bunch of white people. I remember the first time I was the only white person in a large, public place. It wasn’t until my early 20s. I was immediately hit with the strong feeling that, holy shit, this is what it feels like. I don’t think I was truly capable understanding it until I experienced it. I have no doubt that more black teachers would help young black students. I know some Mexican teachers and I know what a help they are to their students.

I will have a ball with this term. It just rolls right off the lips.

Please continue

I’ve been Rovered twice in the last twenty-four hours. I’d like to propose that word as a description of a particular mental process. You’re going along, reading the boards like usual, when you run into a lump of hateful assholishness. “Rovering” is when you mentally go, “Woah, what the hell?..oh, it’s Rand Rover. OK.”

I was reading the current thread about bad motivational posters - there is one with a photo of William Shatner as Captain Kirk smiling his Kirkiest smile and the line below it is “I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am” or something like that. Ah, here it is.

You have no idea that this is how you come across, do you?

That’s a tax increase.

That’s a tax increase.

Oh, you better believe that’s a tax increase…

How about that little dude that lived under the bridge?

Please don’t compare RR to a troll. We’ve been getting a lot of complaints from the trolls.


No actually I was thinking of the crazy, psychotic, homeless whackjob that lived under the bridge. Smelled of shit and stale beer and mumbled incoherently.

But troll works too I guess.