I pit Lorretta (the cunt from today's Dear Abby)

Lorretta in Nevada you are a heartless cunt :mad:. If you didn’t want to take care of your children’s cat you should have said so. One day you are going to be old and feeble and need someone to take care of you. On that day I hope your children drive you far away from home and toss you out of the car and into the gutter. You belong their dear. At the very least you deserve to be shut away in the cheapest nursing home with the lowest payed staff there is. Someplace where you’ll spend the rest of your days stitting in your own filth stinking of urine and feces. Nobody will visit you. The staff will steal everthing from you. Some unpaid aid will slip your wedding ring right off your finger. And when you die someone from the county will come and stuff your filthy corpse into a plastic body bag and send if off to be buried in a mass grave by jail inmates with all the other people that nobody gives a flying fuck about anymore. Nobody will even bother to close your eyes.

But if she said she didn’t want the cat, then the free-loaders would still be in her house. It’s a friggin’ cat, not a baby. It’s not human, and therefore is subject to the whims of its owner. Why should she have to keep something in her house that she doesn’t like? Funny how it’s only the “cute” animals that people feel the need to protect. No one cares about rats or spiders, but if it’s a cat or dog, everyone is up in arms. Would you feel this way if she got rid of the family ficus?

God damn it, that was predictable. Now I have to take a drink.

Not if she drove out of town and dropped them off on the side of the road.

Look, she said she’d keep the cat. Having said so, she should have.

Um, I care about spiders.

I would, because it makes her a lying sack of shit. She said she’d keep the cat, and then not only did she not keep it, she actively got rid of it in such a way as to almost guarantee it’s gory death. Pet rat or tarantula? Same deal. I guess would be less outraged if it were a plant, because plants can’t suffer, but Loretta would still be a stupid cunt who deserves to be abandoned by her children and die cold and alone, without a friend in the world. If she wanted the free-loaders out of her house, she could have kicked them out into the street any time, without trying to kill the cat or become a lying sack of shit.

The OP’s response made me think of a bumper sticker I’ve seen" Be good to your children. Remember that they’ll be picking out your nursing home.

And Chessic Sense, it doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, a cat, a spider, or even, yes, a damn ficus. She said that she’d take care of it, and they took her at her word. If she only said it so they’d move out, fully intending to get rid of it at the first opportunity, then she deserves to be vilified. If for some reason she had kept it in good faith but for some reason later changed her mind, than she should have given them the chance to make alternate arrangements.

She should have taken it to a distant shelter.

alphaboi867, thanks for posting this so I can send syphillactic karma to said cunt. What a despicable person.

And Chessic Sense, thanks for your contribution, as well, so I can send some special karma your way, too. Aside from being cold and heartless, you miss some important fucking points.

starwarsfreek42, thank you for your post, as well. But in a serious manner. Hopefully it will reveal to Chessic Sense some of the things that are obvious to the non-cunts of us. Though I am not hopeful.

And would the level of ire have risen to the same point if she HAD tossed out the family ficus, even is she had said she would take care of it?

The lady would get a few choice words from me, including some profanity if she was my mother, but no, I would not abandon her in the woods. It’s a damn cat fer crying out loud. If she did that to the family rooster I wouldn’t act much differently. human being > pet.

If I give you a piece of lint and say “This is my precious lint, can you please take care of it?” you have two options. You can take care of the lint or not. But if you promise you will take care of the lint, then you’re obliged to do that, no matter how silly it may seem to you.

pet > lying sack of shit

The rights of the feline-American notwithstanding, it’s pretty fucking low that she let them come over every day to look for the cat and scour local shelters for it instead of telling the truth.

I never would have tabbed magellan as a cat lover.

So that makes what this woman did to this cat right? This is the same argument Michael Vick supporters use- “You eat steak, chickens and pork, don’t you?”

Domestic house cats are bred and conditioned to be affectionate companion animals. As an owner of a Bearded Dragon and an anole, I respect people that own rodents and spiders as pets, but you can’t compare them to cats and dogs (not that they should be abused either).

As for the OP I can’t tell you not only how cruel and cynical it is to abandon a domesticated house cat, in some states animal abandonment is illegal. I am the proud owner of 5 kitties + am fostering two stray kittens. One of the 5 was a kitten that some idiot abandoned where I work because the creep must have reasoned that the existing colony of feral cats there would take care of her. If you saw the poor thing and how scared she looked and how friendly she was, hoping anyone would give her a nice, warm home with a bowl full of food again, it would make you realize that yes, this “Loretta” is a total twat.

A few paragraphs written from one point-of-view, and you’re condemning the woman to nursing home hell, etc? I understand hyperbole, but give me a break. We don’t know much at all about this situation. There could be many extenuating circumstances that led the woman to dump the cat. It’s really hard to say with such limited, one-sided information.

We do know that at least two other people (her husband and the sister’s husband) knew that she wanted rid of the cat. They are at least partially responsible for not helping with the situation before it got to the point of her dumping the cat. They could have told the BiL and his wife what was going on so that they would have the option of getting the cat out of there before worst came to worst.

I’m NOT excusing what the woman did, if it happened as reported in the Dear Abby letter. But I think the vitriol in this thread is over-the-top.


When I was 13 our dog got out and got hit by a car while we were at school. My mother didn’t tell us, and in fact allowed us to go door to door and search the neighborhood daily for weeks afterwards, and went so far as to put a Lost Dog ad in the paper to convince us that he must somehow still be ok. My brother and I rode miles and miles on our bikes looking for that dog and putting up fliers. All my friends helped. Sometimes we came home crying because we hadn’t found him. We only got closure years later when a family friend told us he got hit just around the corner and died the day he ran off. Thanks, mom, for weeks of worry and years of not knowing. It’s not exactly the same thing, since my mother didn’t intentionally get rid of the dog, but it was pretty shitty all the same. Forgiveness is not in my nature.

I told my ex girlfriend I’d check in on her cats this weekend while she goes to a wedding. No way I’m going to drop them off in the middle of nowhere.

Here’s another thing to keep in mind; while her children & grandchildren were out looking for Precious they were also probally trying to comfort the cunt and telling her things like “It’s okay Ma, we know it wasn’t your fault Precious ran away” and the cunt just stood there and acted like she deserved to be treated like that. She’s human garbage.