I Pit Martin Hyde

Well, it’s spread out over several threads, but there are a few that stood out:


That basically says what was claimed - “let’s toss money at the problem and finish the job of getting them educated and off reservations and they’ll be better off that way. We’d be the good guys for doing it”

Also, it doesn’t take much searching above in this thread alone, but the rather lengthy defense of the Nazis sterilizing some and killing others (including Jews) was not only only factually incorrect but monstrous in itself and totally beyond the pale.

Note that I am not claiming he sides with the Nazis but this is the sort of behavior you are claiming is somewhat acceptable when compared to the total trolls - finding a kernel of corn in a pile of shit and claiming people should be glad MH at least offers corn.

Making some kind of narrow, technically correct claim about the Nazis (that wasn’t even narrowly, technically correct anyway) as evidence that the boards liberals are shrill, irrational scolds is not itself an example of rational, non-shrill behavior.