I Pit Mr_Hoogly

@Mr_Hoogly: All of the treatments for COVID-19 are just as experimental as the vaccine.

A doctor at my local hospital point this out. He flat out said that, if you don’t want experimental treatments, then don’t come in.

And, yes, he’s completely fed up. He notes that our hospital is full, and that they are full in the entire tristate area right now. People not only can die of COVID-19 now, but of other illnesses.

Oh, and none of the people in the hospital right now was vaccinated. One had a single vaccine, and they seem to be doing better than the rest.

This is real, and all the arguments in the world aren’t going to make it not real. Get vaccinated. Or you will get the virus. You can even get it multiple times thanks to Delta. Hence why they told you to get vaccinated even if you’ve had COVID-19.

Seems herd immunity or living with the virus is not good enough we have to be pocked down and controlled no matter the numbers

Nah I’ve not started queuing for my umpteenth booster and vaccine passport yet

Silver linings, folks. We don’t have to worry about him dropping in at Christmas!

I’ve got to say, you’re definitely a pathetic example of the stiff upper lip that we expect of our English cousins. Are you sure you’re not… French? Would you like some cheese with that whine, Mr. Frogly?

‘Man who follows rules so he can post on a message board whines about following rules which allows him to be a fully-functional, participating member of society’, film at eleven.

Shitheads Without Borders

It’s the Yule-Tide Spirit…!

That really sums it up . . . not smart enough to count to three.

Isn’t it counting to one?

Perhaps not. I have an immunocompromised co-worker who just got a 2nd booster (4th shot overall) at the direction of their doctor.

Special case/circumstances, of course.

It’s neither a lockdown nor a pockdown, you knucklehead.

I love this guy!

“Shills for Big Jacket” :smiley: Bo is awesome.

Is this the first time a pittee has bumped their own thread (responding to posts from four months ago, at that)?

I haven’t seen it before. That’s a special kind of stupid. But when they think one booster equals umpteenth, is it any surprise?

Or maybe his goals are not yours (or mine)?

Maybe he’s a sad child to whom any attention is better than none? In which case, not so stupid after all. Sad, but not stupid.

The Hoogs just had to tell us all about the “pockdown”.

It’s very meta. He just came into his own thread to drop a hoogly.