I Pit Mr_Hoogly

Wasn’t that a Clash song? :wink:

What are we gonna do now?
Taking off his hoogly, they said “is this man a jabbed?”
Workin’ for the pockdown

They put up a poster said we believe in Q
Workin’ for the pockdown.

This is proof that Dopers are capable of great things.

The rest of the chorus doesn’t even need to be modified.

We will teach our twisted speech
To the young believers
We will train our blue-eyed men
To be young believers

Pockdown indeed.

But maybe the Hoogs prefers hip-hop…

I think we must expect great things from our Dopers … terrible, yes, but great.*

*Apologies to Garrick Ollivander

No but lockdown or more restrictions are coming. The ‘vaccine passport’ is on its way seemingly as well.
British media is going nuts over this bullshit. Do we need a lockdown and ‘booster’ for every variant.

We already had a second booster. Or was it a second vaccine?
The government are sure now that three jabs is enough, until they say it isn’t.

See through the bullshit yet? How many more ‘boosters’ will it take?

We probably will need boosters/modified vaccines for subsequent COVID variants, just as we already have annually modified flu shots for constantly mutating flu variants.

Whether we will need lockdowns for subsequent variants will depend to a large extent on how many pigheaded anti-science vaccine-denying idiots with their heads up their asses keep refusing to get the recommended vaccines, thus encouraging additional infection and mutation producing yet more variants.

Unfortunately, pigheaded anti-science vaccine-denying idiots with their heads up their asses seem constitutionally incapable of seeing through bullshit.

But ‘we’ as in ‘most of us’ don’t have flu jabs, do we?

Or you could just be a man and get the fucking shot and stop whining like a goddamned baby

Are you suggesting that “the government” is creating and controlling the virus?!

I’m not the one whining, I’m great, cheers though. Enjoy your ‘vaccines’.

… he whines.

The government is saying that a third dose now is beneficial. Who in the govt is saying that it will never be more than 3? No fucking body. Get a grip. Hyperbolic hyperventilating is no way to go through life, son.

It’s being used as an excuse and convenient scapegoat or a lot of things, which is just as bad.
Borises government had their christmas party while everyone was in lockdown not allowed to see their families. Doesnt seem like they were too concerned about the virus

A bare majority of us Americans do, and that percentage may be continuing to rise in the increased awareness of infection danger during the ongoing pandemic, although I doubt it’s going to get to the Dept. of Health and Human Services-recommended level of 70% any time soon.

You, if I recall correctly, are a UK resident. Nearly 80% of those of you 65 and older get flu shots, so that’s 80% of about 20% of your population, or 16% of your total population. I haven’t yet found figures on how many of your under-65s get the flu shot.

So you trust your govenment wholeheartedly do you.
Nothing else going on? No one getting rich?
Not even worth considering or questioning these people in charge?

Do you think that that means that the virus is not something to be concerned about, or simply that “Borises government” is a bunch of fucking stupid and self-centered jagoffs?