I Pit "Mr. Independent" Lou Dobbs

You are such a fucking loser.

Blame all your problems on Mexico and Border Control, but please stop using this as the reason for which all problems exist.

Blame all the “pinheads in Washington” for taking attention from your awesome enlightening program, but stop thinking you are any better than any one of them.

You think you are so damn cool because you don’t belong to any political party, despite previous claims of being a “life long Republican”, but in fact all you do is spread more hate and non-sense to the 3 fans you still manage to grip on to.

I admit that I haven’t searched for threads complaining about Lou Dobbs, but man I gotta vent, this guy is fucking annoying. He thinks he’s worth listening to. What a joke.

I hope Lou Dobbs gets diarrhea from Taco Bell, asshole.

Has there ever been such a mono-manic “la la la la la la forever on the same note” old fart as Dobbs? I haven’t seen the broadcast he did on 9-11 but I’ve no doubt he went from “The World Trade Center was attacked today…” to “…those pinheads in Washington who won’t even let you shoot Mexican illegals as a hobby on your own property!” within 6 minutes. He’s like the reverse Anita from West Side Story (who yes, I know, was Puerto Rican not Mexican):

Tonight we’re gone talk about Mexico
everything bad comes from Mexico
we need to seal off and firebomb north Mexico
even though my wife Debi’s from Me-xico!

I don’t even know why they call it the Lou Dobbs show when it’s the “Let’s bitch about the border Hour”. If I were given the power to fire (better yet- deport) one CNN anchor I’d be Burridan’s Ass trying to decide between him or Glenn Beck. (Dobbs’ “Mexican Immigrants Delendo Est” nightly rants always make me change the channel, but he doesn’t have the Olympic level brand of defiantly aggressive stupidity of Beck.) It’s not that I don’t think illegal immigration is a serious social issue- no question/no brainer- it’s just that not every single subject has to turn to it, invariably, every-single-night, for an hour or more each time.

I was under the impression that Dobbs’ (open) all-illegal-immigration, all-the-time persona was a fairly recent thing.

I don’t remember ever having heard him talk about immigration on Moneyline.


He’s a talking head on American CNN programming. Likes to blame illegal immigration for… well, pretty much everything, except the Rebels destroying the Death Star. And maybe that too.

See here: FAIR - FAIR is the national progressive media watchdog group, challenging corporate media bias, spin and misinformation.


Glenn Beck.

He’s (still) a “recovering” alcoholic.

That’s why I ignore his dumb ass.

Dobb’s is unwatchable. His constant rant against illegal immigration is beyond tedious. What happened Lou? Was the guy that was cutting your lawn also fucking your wife?

As for Beck, he’s just stupid. Remember when he was going to expose American health care because he had some surgery on his asshole and the little weenie couldn’t tolerate the pain?

Why do these guys have a podium?

What does that have to do with it?

Because people watch them. And agree with them. :rolleyes:

T’was a joke.

Nothing against people who have struggled with Alcohol, as I have too at some point.

I meant to say that it seems that he’s drinking on show because of all the crap he says.

Now, that’s not fair. He doesn’t blame illegal immigration for everything. Some things are the fault of the foreigners who took our jobs.

Soooo, you watch Lou Dobbs because:[ul]
[li]Remote fell and you can’t reach it[/li][li]Olbermann is not on any channel[/li][li]You only get one channel and that’s CNN[/li][li]You are too lazy to change channels or shut the tube off[/li][li]You like listening to him and then complain to others[/li][li]You secretly heart Lou Dobbs[/li][/ul]

A full eleven posts before the obligatory “why don’t you just change the channel?” rebuttal! The board is growing lax.

I can’t answer that question, but it does appear that Mr. Dobbs’ freakishly large head emits some kind of radiation that induces masochism in viewers. More than once I’ve walked into the room to find my wife (herself an immigrant) sitting and watching Dobbs riding his one-trick pony. “Why the fuck do you watch this?” I ask, and she never has a good answer. Why do we pick at scabs or jab our tongues at painful canker sores?

Due respect to PhiloVance’s penetrating analysis, I’ve discovered that while switching Dobbs off prevents *me *from hearing him, it doesn’t seem to stop his venomous blather from reaching millions of people who don’t live in my house. Any glib bullet-point solutions for that problem? If not, do you mind if we continue pitting him?

I thought this was going to be about the Obama Waffles.

You mentioned a good few EXCEPT that last one.

To take a quote from a certain someone: “No way, no how, no Dobbs!”

I sometimes get in a trance listening to his bullshit and I start thinking to myself all the ways he’s just wrong.

I also hate that fact that he never has the balls to invite people over to his show that disagree with him.

Even O’Reilly has more balls than this loser.

Hey! I like Taco Bell!.. Lou can get his shits from Chi Chi’s.

Is Chi Chi’s American?

I want him to get sick after eating American modified Mexican food, and let’s see what the hell will he complain about this time.

More than anything, Dopers enjoy watching train crashes. Even if it makes their heads hurt afterwards. And, you might notice, the rant was about Lou Dobbs being a waste of gravity and oxygen, not that the OP was being forced to watch him at gunpoint.

Oh, hell, he’s just trying to ramp up subscriptions to his financial newsletter.

I understand they’re delicious with fresh fruit. :stuck_out_tongue: