So, earlier today I get up to get some Kool-Aid and when I come back I find that my monitor is giving off a glowing shade I like to call Barney the fucking dinosaur. I no settings were changed on the computer. I even tried to change the settings to see if that woulkd help. No dice. I tried turning off the monitor and restarting the computer. Still fucking purple. I HATE THIS STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!
Check the cable.
The cables are fine.
Also check the pins on the cable – make sure none of them are bent or broken off.
There are some broken pins but they’ve been missing for over a year and monitor has been working since they broke off.
Learn to love the color purple. It could be worse. I’ve had several monitors turn yellow.
What color was the Kool-Aid?
Fucking unreliable lizards. :mad:
No green is the problem. If it’s a crt monitor, sounds like the green gun is fried. The other possibility is that there’s a problem with the cable or the video card. Plug a monitor known to be good into the computer to find out for sure. Probably it’s a bad monitor, though. Buy a new one, or learn to love purple.
Cable, pins or gun. It’s a problem. If you smack it around a bunch, sometimes it fixes itself. Just like this.
It may be a loose connection between the cable and its connector. My last monitor liked to go a shade of blue-ish unless I bent the cable sharply near the connector; something was just not connected well.
I also had a monitor that would go yellow, and yes, hitting it on occasion would bring it back to normalcy.
- snork *
Glad I’d already finished my drink. I really didn’t want to have to clean off the keyboard…
If the connections are fine and there’s no (new) pins missing, then I’d try degaussing. Just navigate the menu through the hard buttons on your monitor until you find an option to “Degauss”. Alternatively, it could be represented as an upside-down horseshoe magnet.
If that’s a no-go, then it’s time to try a test monitor and then replace it.