I pit non polar

Or simply ignore this pit thread. You’re not required to respond, y’know.

NONPOLAR Hey before it is too late. Can you translate this Polish word for me. Ciêciara
I figure you might know since that is where you claim to be from, right? Please respond before you get canned. Thanks

I can’t help you with that word ,the closest I came up with, is -smart guy- but I’m not 100% sure.
If I get canned , I want my sign in money back!By the way I did not started this thread you guys started insulting me .I never said bad word on anyone of you assholes,oops :smack: (sorry about that) .

Smart guy? hmm okay :wink:
Maybe I missed it. Where was it that I insulted someone?

and BTW if you ever get to Texas, it’d be okay for ya to stop in. You’d just have to stay outta the shower, okay.

heh :smiley:

“Over his penis?”

“No, I’ll never be over his penis.”

With apologies to Airplane. Or Airplane II. I forget.

I simply can’t get too worked up over nonpolar. My mental picture of him is Balki from “Perfect Strangers” with his foot stuck in a toilet – how can you get mad at someone like that?

“Please to help me ,cousin Larry ,my foot she is stuck in the toilet!”

Airplane II. :smiley:

No, but the house of pansy has a jug to fly.

So what you’re saying is that he is probably just “a wild and crazy guy”.
Kinda like Yakov Smirnoff huh? How about Mork? A little too far out of town, huh.

See what I mean. These retorts of yours are simply amazing. Do you come up with these yourself or am I just that far out of the loop? Perhaps they are local in nature. Witticisms that simply haven’t arrived in these backwoods that I call home. We are fighting ignorance constantly here at the Dope. Many thanks. :slight_smile:

Maybe not you t-keela but all others are against me ,I guess geniuses(me) are always suppressed and ridiculed.
I’m a diamond in the rough, one day I will shine.

So, we’ve established that nonpolar is an idiot of possible Eastern European origin with a defective penis that no woman would touch, and who will become a moderator when monkeys fly out of my butt. And he doesn’t like horses.

September 4? I don’t think it will take that long. Make it the second.

I actually am surprised that he actually shelled out for the membership. I figured once his guest member ship expired, he’d just re-register as a guest with a different e-mail addy, and keep doing it until he got caught.

Hey professor: click here.

14 bucks is not a fortune you know,anyway, in case I won’t be able to talk to you again tomorrow - all the best to you all, see you. :slight_smile:

Not all. Some of us honestly don’t give a fuck if a comma-misplacing twit like you lives or dies.

Well, now that’s not very Canadian, Mr. Ekers! Do I need to call Ottawa in the morning and report you for sensitivity training? :wink:

Drop everything else and leave just:

and you’ve got your best post to date. Keep up the good work.

So are morons. Out of geniuses and drooling idiots, guess which group gets “supressed and ridiculed” more often.


I’m going to have to go against the grain here and admit that, while he’s obviously a shit-stirring twit and I’ve never once thought he was legitimate, nonpolar’s also worth a laugh here and there. He literally made me laugh out loud with his second post in this thread and one post after that, I don’t remember which, made me chuckle some too.

His entertainment value is far outweighed by his nuisance factor though and I won’t miss him when he’s gone.