Feel free.
I could go on at some length about things I’ve seen. I’ll start with an easy one. Only a few weeks ago, I stood on a sidewalk talking to some people for an hour. During that hour, there were three collisions involving a total of ten cars in about a half-block’s distance. It’s a 35 mile zone, all clearly marked.
The first occurred when a teen driver followed someone into a right turn, and looked left to check her merge, while the person in front of her braked to check his or her merge. BANG.
The second occurred back around the same corner – it’s important to note that the second accident’s perpetrator couldn’t see the first accident, and made his bad decisions without the distraction of rubbernecking. His van was approaching the same turn when he appeared to realize he was in the turn-only lane. He changed lanes to his left. Yeah, the lane with all the cars stopped in it. No, he didn’t appear to stop carefully. He just changed lanes right into another vehicle. BANG. Bang bang bang bang. Six cars telescoped into each other. Drivers got out, cell phones glued to their ears, and began to wander on foot through speeding traffic, looking disoriented.
The third occurred after the authorities had arrived in numerous emergency vehicles and sorted things out. Some cars were still exchanging insurance info, and cops were still interviewing a few people, and traffic had been routed through the shopping center parking lot. One guy is waiting to turn right out of the lot. A car is stopped to his left a few yards away, with a uniformed officer standing outside it, talking to the driver. A third driver rolls up behind the guy waiting to leave the lot and BANG, rear-ends him, about ten feet from a police car with flashing lights and a uniformed officer. There’s no excuse at all – the guy he hit had been sitting there unmoving for a few minutes, and this chowderhead would have had to stop anyway or barge out into crosstraffic and die.
So the cop walks very calmly over to him and begins talking to him. And what do the folks behind this accident do, at that point?
They honk. Loudly. Lean on their horns, because this guy is holding them up. Never mind there’s a uniformed officer on the scene as the accident occurs, and he’s got it under control within, oh, eight seconds. Never mind there’s still no break in traffic for these guys to go even if they wanted to. Never mind the clearly patient cop was armed. Just lean on the horn and yell!