I pit someone with the initials "J.B."

I hardly know where to begin with this asshole. My local weekly county paper (Boone County Recorder, Kentucky) asked locals the following question:
*Now that Barack Obama appears to have secured the Democratic nomination for U.S. President, what are your hopes and/or concerns about a John McCain-Obama race in November? *

Among the responses was this doozy, from someone listed only as “J.B.” (everyone was identified by initials only; for the purposes of this rant, let’s assume it stands for “Jerkoff Bastard”): ** “I don’t like either. I won’t vote for Obama due to his religious preference. Anyone can see those people are trying to take over this country. Have you been to a mini mart or a Dunkin doughnuts lately? Have you stayed at a hotel lately? I don’t know what happened to The American Dream. This country doesn’t have enough Americans left in it.”**

Okay, from this response it seems that Jerkoff Bastard is buying the “Obama is a Muslim” line. If so, then you should know the local hotels he is referring to are run by HINDUS! And the rampant racism is only topped by the “American Dream” reference. Hello, Jerkoff Bastard! Part of the American Dream is that of immigrants coming here to make a better life for themselves and their families! You would have done better to just say “I won’t vote for any brown people”!

This asshole has upset my stomach. I gotta go and take an extra Prilosec…

So what did he have against McCain? Was it because of his black baby?

“J.B.”, from Kentucky?
It’s probably just the bottle talking.

JB? Unlikely it’s Jew Boy.

JB isn’t talking about Hindus. He’s talking about my favorite new nutjob term of endearment: an overtly nonwhite president, coined by “Billy Roper, a 36-year-old who runs a group called White Revolution in Russellville, Ark”.

Oh bother!

Now, I’m against Obama, but not due to some silly made up reason like the one in the OP. But you go Mr. J.B., we need more like you on “our side”.


Bizarro Botticelli game! It’s obviously Jim Beam as the third poster suggested, but are you a 2008 presidential candidate whose campaign died in Iowa?

Well, you’ve got the fixin’s for a follow-up Letter to the Editor right there . . .

I bet Justin_Bailey checks this thread out.

Agreed. Fight the local ignorance.

Will do. That’s been my plan all along.

They edited out the last part of J.B.'s comment: And there’s a Taco Bell in every town and just yesterday, my wife asked me to pick up some takeout from the Peking Garden!

I assume he is completely anon? Thus, how do you know he isn’t just someone trying to stir shit up, or a troll, or a prankster or even an Obama-ite writing this so he can refer to it to “prove” how ignorant “the other guys” are? Or maybe you’ve just been whooshed. Can you prove that this “JB” really exists and that he really beleives this? :dubious:

As opposed to if we elected Michael Jackson, a subversively nonwhite president.

I can’t prove it. What you say is definitely possible. But, having lived here for a couple of years, I think it’s probably legit.

Some local nut job placed page long race hate rants on community boards. I removed them from all the stores I visited. Most locals are the type that are afraid they’d get in trouble for messing with something somebody else put up, even that shit. I really had never heard that much crap in one rant.

I’m sorry. I was in a bad mood that day.

You should write a follow up letter to “JB” that states something along the lines of “Now aren’t you glad for that separation of church and state?”

There were two guys in Checkers arguing over whether or not Obama is a Muslim yesterday. I almost snorted Coke through my nose.

That is generally how it’s done. Still, if listening to idiots argue makes you so mad you have to get high, I’d stay away from the Pit. Or the internet altogether. Might get expensive otherwise.

You can’t make that joke! I capitalized! :mad: