I pit 'sporadic syndrome'

‘Sporadic syndrome’ is a condition I’ve labeled for when things sporadically go wrong. You might have a very busy week, for example, and through that week, the following might happen-

-Some sudden and strange bodily symptom (twinge of pain, dizzy spell, etc)
-Car has problems that seem to just go away by themselves
-False alarms at work

Of course, its better to nip a ‘little’ problem in the bud, before it becomes a ‘big’ problem. So if you think you may be ill, you do everything you can to prevent/mitigate the illness- you’re too busy to be out sick. And when the car makes noises, you start asking around, and maybe have it looked at. Worried about work, and you set a time to talk with your manager. And what happens? The body symptoms are just flukes and there’s nothing wrong with you, the car is likewise running fine and everything is okay at work.

Perhaps it is just stress, but when I am very busy with school and work (like this month), I start to notice little red flags more frequently and it kind of makes me paranoid. :mad:

I think this syndrome already has a name. Borderline personality disorder.

I may be the victim of a huge WOOSH, but what does BPD have to do with things sporadically deciding to misbehave? I’ve had it happen, too - especially in situations where so much is already happening that you just can’t handle one more frigging thing going wrong, and then “oh crap, my throat is scratchy, no PLEAAAAASE don’t be a virus PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEASE don’t be the sign that I’m getting sick” - only to discover that three large glasses of OJ, 4 bottles of water, and one day of panic later that, no, it was just a dry, scratchy throat.
Or the car suddenly starts making a noise that REALLY sounds like “death rattle” - only to find out from the mechanic, 2 days and $150 later, that it was just the heat shield on the exhaust (bracket rusted out and it’s no longer “rattle free” even though it’s still safely attached everywhere else) and you can safely ignore it.
Then you come in to work to find that everyone seems to be pissed off specifically at you, so you make an appointment with the boss and…nope, everyone was just collectively having a bad day.

I’ve had weeks…nay, months like that. And I don’t have BPD.

Hang in there, Incubus. At least the stuff isn’t seriously wrong. That’s what usually gets me through those “sporadic syndrome” times. At least you’re not in trouble at work - and at least your car IS working fine instead of needing much expensive and time-consuming work, and you’re not sick.
It gets better. Really. :slight_smile:


I guess I could have included a disclaimer that, even if I were qualified, I wouldn’t post a diagnosis to a message board. Live and learn.

BPD or no, you are a might excitable. Aren’t you aware of the quota rules for letter and word repetition, or the rationing of bold caps? Save some for the rest of us, and substitute in some exclamation points!!!