I protest a thread closing

This thread I started was closed by Marley23 and I was given an official warning “Don’t do this again”. I protest. The YouTube video* I linked to was a woman in a cheerleader outfit changing from a pair of boots into a pair of shoes. Obviously she’s a good looking woman and you get a nice view of her legs. But it was taped in the middle of a public sports field and there’s no nudity. It was clearly labeled as to what the content was so nobody would be surprised by what they saw if they clicked the link. The other videos on the page were also YouTube videos and did not contain any nudity (and what happend to the two click rule?).

Unless we’ve decided to enforce Taliban rules, I hardly think a video of a woman in a cheerleader outfit is “potentially shocking or offensive material”.

*Anyone wishing to see it, should go to YouTube and search with the term “cheerleader boots”. It’s the first video titled “Cheerleader takes off her boots and puts on shoes”.

Were her boots dirty after squishing bugs with them?

So you don’t think it’s possible that somebody who was caught watching that video at work would have a problem? The video itself was borderline, but some of the other ones on the same page were over the line. Since there was no content or commentary in your post, just your description of something like ‘Cheerleader takes off her boots,’ - i.e. “look at this sexy video” - I locked the thread.

Just because there’s no nudity doesn’t mean it’s safe for work.

Maybe it was just the poor video quality, but I thought for sure I saw her bidness.

It was a 42 second video of a cheerleader taking off her boots and putting on her shoes. My description of it was “Cheerleader takes off her boots and puts on shoes”. Could you explain to me what details you felt were missing from that? Anyone who clicked on that link would have seen exactly what they would have been expecting to see - this wasn’t some rickroll trick.

No doubt there are workplaces where watching that video might get you fired. In my workplace, I’d get fired for reading the SDMB. So people should follow the rules of their own workplace. But the moderators on this board are not required to enforce any hypothetical workplace rules that prohibit somebody from seeing a woman’s legs.

I’m also unaware of any board rule that justifies closing a thread for lack of added commentary.

Hey, check out this hot video! Man tilting at windmills!

Not to disagree with the rest of your post, or the thread closing, but if someone is in a position where he can can get in trouble at work for watching a video of a cheerleader taking off her boots and putting on her shoes, then he probably shouldn’t be clicking on a link which is clearly described as a cheerleader taking off her boots and putting on her shoes, dontcha think? If someone in such a position were to do such a thing and then get in trouble for it, well, there’s word for such a person: idiot.

I haven’t read your thread or watched the video, nor do I particularly care to, but there have been many, many thread closings for a link and a line (or just a link). Particularly, but not always, political threads – there were one or two members who were really bad about it as well.

Even if there’s no specific rule about it, it happens frequently.

I honestly didn’t know if it was meant to be taken literally. I didn’t think you’d post something like that with a straight face and figured it was probably an ironic description of something funny, which is common with video links around here.
Then I watched it, obviously, and thought “Nice legs. But is he fucking kidding with this?”

Give me a break. We’re not talking Victorian rules here. You got your jollies and liked the video, that’s cool. I like cheerleaders too. It’s not appropriate for this board. Did you seriously not consider this before posting it?

Read for context, Nemo. I didn’t close the thread because there was no commentary. I closed the thread because the link was NSFW. If you’d posted some art that was borderline but with the potential to stimulate an interseting discussion, I might’ve left it alone. The video might’ve stimulated something else, but…

Not to poo-poo, but didn’t moderators request that threads like this didn’t exist, and that if you have a problem with threads being closed that you e-mail them directly?

Hey. check out this hot image: Dog getting blown

From here. (MY bolding)

It’s the first sentence under “Forum rules.”

My guess is no, they didn’t make that request. Maybe you are thinking of threads that were deleted because they were started by socks - the mods want those asked about in email.

Yep. I can’t speak for the other mods, but my thinking is that if you’re not invested enough in your OP to contribute anything more than a link, then you won’t mind us clearing out the lazy OPs so that other threads, with ongoing dicussions, have a chance at the front page. This isn’t to say that the link wasn’t interesting to you or other people, but we don’t want the forums overrun by threads with titles such as “Hey, look at this!” and then a link with no other text. Digg is a better place for posts like that.

You’re probably thinking of threads and posters that have been disappeared due to the posters being socks or trolls.

Yeah, I’m familiar with what you posted.

I just seem to recall a recent request by the mods on thread-closings.

If a thread is disappeared it probably was opened by a sock, in which case the mods would prefer you e-mail for an explanation. Closed threads are different, AFAIK. Usually when a thread is closed an explanation is given.

Even if they did make such a request, they’d have no right to be surprised when said request is utterly ignored what with it being contrary to the published rules, and all.

Is there some reason you can’t just leave it to the membership to decide for themselves which threads will thrive and which will die on the vine? Threads which are of interest to a sufficient number of people will garner a lot of replies and stay on the front page. Those that aren’t, won’t. I don’t feel that it’s your job to tell us what should be interesting to us and what shouldn’t. Howzabout letting us decide what’s appropriate for this board, hmm?

I had no hidden motive. I had been looking for a YouTube video of a commercial to link to in another thread and I found this one. I thought “that’s a good looking girl” so I decided to share it. I posted it in a forum that is supposedly intended for mundane pointless stuff like this so I don’t see how it could be considered inappropriate. It wasn’t a question or a debate or a poll so there was no need for any comments. I provided a very clear description so nobody would click the link and be caught unaware. I dispute the fact that the link was NSFW under any posted policy, reasonable standard, or past practice of this board. I continue to believe that the thread shouldn’t have been closed and that the warning I was given was undeserved.

And I understand that this board does not have any procedure for appealing these decisions. So I’ve said what I wanted to say on this subject.

Protesting Mod rulings is very much allowed. We ask that banning-disappearings, which indicate sock and trolls to whom we don’t want to give more attention.

I know I much prefer that people offer some comment in their OPs and not just a link, whether the link is to a video or an article. That’s not something I’ll automatically lock a thread over in most cases, it’s just irritating.