I shall return

The message is pretty much what the subject line implies: I’m leaving but I’ll be back.

I’m not upset about anything nor am I experiencing any personal crisis. Quite simply, I’ll be busy with some projects in the next couple of weeks and I need more time than I have on hand to work on them. My boss was totally non-supportive on my initial plan to work only twenty hours a week while getting paid for the usual forty, so I have to go with a fallback plan. And the five to ten hours I spend here each week didn’t make the cut.

In other circumstances, I might have simply stopped posting. But I didn’t want any rumors to begin circulating if my abscense was noticed. And having publically declared that I won’t be here, I’m more likely not to be tempted to sneak back in for a “quick look”.

But I will be back, in a week or a month. Try not to say anything too interesting while I’m gone.


Guess I’ll have to hold off on the thread where I announce I am having my own baby.
Come back soon Nemo.

so long, farewell, aufwiederseihn(sp?), goodbye!

read ya when ya come back kid.

LOL! Good one Mully! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope to ‘see’ you back soon, Little Nemo. Don’t work too hard.

Read you soon Nemo! And have I ever posted about how cool that game was?

See ya soon Nemo. Work hard. Make us lots of money! Don’t forget to have a little fun too. :wink: