Yep, throughout college, graduate school and on an on, I have wanted to be a carpenter. I love doing projects at home [reference past threads of mine on tree house, hobbit hole etc…etc…] My shop in the barn is as good as any cabinet makers, my love of the hammer and nail is second to none, and yet I became a psychologist.* The closest I could get to construction worker was majoring in environmental psychology, designing the places we live, work, play etc…etc…I’ve constructed much of what is at my own house. including a large 25 X 25 granite chat pit in the back yard. Recently covering half of it, I put a hammock in it and it looks pretty cool. Large hearth on one side, wrap around bench around the entire thing, chairs, table hammock on the other side.
So what are your “should have been’s” Anyone a Lawyer and want to be something else?
Is anyone in a profession they are not totally happy with and want to do something else ? Anyone in their dream profession?
*I love my job as a teacher of young minds. As an instructor in a small liberal arts college, I enjoy my work very much. I would not really change a thing with regards to my education…I just love working with my hands…[sub]got the scars to prove it[/sub]